One of our cats is just like you describe. Very much like a lap dog while we’re home.
One of our cats is just like you describe. Very much like a lap dog while we’re home.
To be fair, our two cats have never gone outside the litter box, scratched anything but their post, bit or scratched a person... or really done anything except for be very congenial to us and each other. My view may be narrow.
You lost me on your lost sentence. I don’t want a needy family member that requires all of my attention while I am home... so what you described as a negative is actually a positive for me.
A cat sitter?? Cats can stay at home, overnight with no problems. Dogs are so incredibly needy that many will trash your house while you’re at work. Adopting a dog is like taking care of an elderly family member that needs 24/7 care and attention.
“I’d rather take my pet for a walk in the rain and then pick up it’s shit with my hands, thank you very much!”
Dogs do that anyway. Our litterbox is in the basement... no one notices it.
RIGHT?! Instead of getting a fashion piece for a companion, get one that wasn’t probably inbred by criminals.
Every one of his movies is the exact fucking same. There’s a bumbling nebbish (often played by him) and a gorgeous younger woman is inexplicably in love with him.
People who shop around and pay gigantic sums of money for pure breed dogs are not pet owners. They buy the animal to cover their insecurity.
The only prescription is fewer miles driven per individual.
Another dumb and bad comment.
The points you try to make are not only factually wrong but you’re really just repeating the SUPER JALOP stereotypes regarding the negatives of SUVs/CUVs... which are also factually incorrect.
This is a dumb and bad comment.
Thank you for writing this, Matt. Anyone that gives someone else shit about their car choice is wrong 100% of the time.
This is the ultimate truth.
This is peak Torchinsky.
I have the ‘13 non-T Forester and I get slightly better mpgs in the city and slightly worse on the highway... especially if it’s windy. The Forester is not slippery in a wind tunnel.
This person needs a plate of sandwiches.
Toyota thinks Tim Tebow deserves another shot.