
I imagine all those points of interest are directly pulled from their other game, Ingress. Any player could submit places of interest, and have it become a portal for either faction to control. Many players would submit small things, like this rabbit for instance, and flag the GPS coordinates somewhere they can reach

Looks like you managed to score one for yourself?

Thanks for the heads up on this. I was able to sit in front of my Gamestop before open and hung out for an hour or so after open until their shipment arrived. All 4 sold instantly at my location.

"It looks like you're trying to build a full-scale model of King's Landing from Game of Thrones. Can I help you with that?"

I prefer a mattress that has freely flollopped on quornshellous zeta and potentially willomied against other mattresses to one that has been fabricated by an "all mattresses are the same" company which may very well be the early predecessor of Sirius Cybernetics. But if you're into this stuff, share and enjoy I