Ok thats a good point for you. I've never felt nausea playing games in my life. If that's what you need to do, thats what you need to do
Ok thats a good point for you. I've never felt nausea playing games in my life. If that's what you need to do, thats what you need to do
Borderlands 2 is most fun when played with friends and I don't know how you can enjoy that fun experience on a little screen. I doubt you will find many people to play with it on the Vita, of course theres a single player experience but that's bland. I mean people should be excited about games like Tearaway. Not…
Believe what you want
I don't understand why people are excited about a game in borderlands 2 that you can play on consoles! doesn't make any sense
sure, whatever. I don't get that meme or pic or whatever.
True, but I don't have the PC version and I like the 360 version more. If I have a friend over, it's fun couch co-op. However, if the pc version had cost the same price as the 360 version, I would have bought that one
it's thomas.... but most sony fanboys don't seem to realize this
Times like these I love the posts from PC gamers, putting ps4/sony fanboys in their place
I support mandatory health care... so no
I'm picking up the xbox one this year
I've only ever owned one xbox 360. Ive had it since 2007, yet you've had 10... Some people take good care of their things
People need to be forced to have things, just like people should be forced to have health insurance. In this case, it's the only way to push things forward
MGS4 is kinda overrated. Too many cutscenes!! I'm not hating on it, considering kojima said that MGSV (which looks amazing) will have a lot less cutscenes. even he acknowledges it
You're ridiculous. Just because the 360 had issues doesnt mean the xbox one will. theres a reason the One is so big, for venting and cooling power. They're being very careful, same reason why they don't push it as much as the ps4. Use your brain
True, but it's I don't know when they could announce... On a random day maybe? Nah that would be weird. Has to be TGS
The Sony version will not get this DLC, not necessarily sucking, more like not as good. The xbox one version is supposed to be even more expansive and great. More info on this will come out soon. It will even be better than the PC version, mostly due to the multiplayer fluidity
Considering your lying I don't think that will be an issue. The reason that the One is so big is for cooling. Also i heard the ps4 is extremely loud. negative of being in a small casing
The only next event I can imagine for a release date is TGS. Maybe they might want some good faith with Japan/Japanese gamers. Maybe they even have a game with that audience in mind to show off. I don't think they will break through, they invested a lot of money in Square on the 360 for exclusive rpgs. None were…
I do, because I hate having to take the remote and then switch to the different input. It sucks, and in the mean time I leave my game running, paused of course. Then on commercial I try to play a bit, then quickly check back all paranoid so I don't miss a play, or if its a show, a part of the show.
No, this is separate from the Rift. I believe it would be smarter if they and MS worked with OR to bring it to consoles. But it seems both are working on their own thing, MS is just speculation via a patent but yeah. I don't know if it would be a success and seems risky like Sonys 3D tv bundle thing which was just…