Broseph Lieberman

White people like Desmond Howard because he makes Stuart Scott look like Malcolm X.

“Depends. Is she pregnant?

this is good but why the fuck are those parents taking kids with sensory issues to games?

Sounds a lot like Ben Roethlisberger to me. 

Get this feel goody shit out of here man. WE CAME TO HATE.

His "scabs don't heal."

there is a person behind all the memes, a man beyond the punchline, a proud and once-successful coach behind the laughingstock.

The true Wentz is more nuanced and complicated, with sources describing him as “selfish,” “uncompromising,” “egotistical,” one who plays “favorites” and doesn’t like to be “questioned,” one who needs to “practice what he preaches” and fails “to take accountability.”

I don’t have strong feelings about the Eagles one way or the other (which is a rarity I guess, but bless them for doing God’s work a couple of years ago anyway) but just want to commend Drew for getting the schedule straight this year. Previously this started up in mid-August and wound up having to double up the last

your new bosses know what drives engagement

Better than the other hat in his locker.

*tips hat*
*mansplains something*

“That’s some good coaching right there. Although I would have had Stills kick a 43-yarder

Man, he sure remembered he was black in a fuckin’ hurry after getting criticized for bowing to his white owner quickly, didn’t he?

I support Kenny; I support the player protests. Quite honestly, they’re bringing attention to my story. So, let’s talk about that. I’m the son of immigrants, I’m black, I grew up poor.

It's less when you account for the exchange rate.

Sooooo .... why not just play on the CFL field as it is normally? “Oh no, the goalposts are not on the goal line - it wouldn’t be a true test for our field goal kickers. So instead, we’re gonna play on an 80-yard field.”

+1 hastily-painted helmet and 2 flaking frostbitten feet.

40%? Thank you for your generosity!

The Oakland Raiders: 40 percent of a football team on 80 percent of a football field.