
Yeah, and honestly the song was great too. Adding it to my playlist.

I gotta say, I love the Kings’ work. I LOVE both the Good Wife and maybe even more The Good Fight. I got a CBS All Access show just to watch those shows, but once I was finished I got rid of it. The problem is that I’m pretty unexcited about supernatural shows. I don’t know why, they just don’t grab me, but I love the

You know, I gotta say as a gay man I don’t find anything wrong with his statement. I know that we as a queer community are thirsting for representation with good reason, and sure his response isn’t particularly nuanced about that reality, but I actually think he makes a good point. Positive and vulnerable male

Given our current political reality, while it’s super neato and fun to speculate about aliens, producing a four part “documentary” that encourages people to believe in government conspiracies seems pretty fucking irresponsible. With Q-anon and anti-Vaxxers lapping up any crumb of legitimacy they can get this seems

I can’t believe I’m actually going to get a stitcher account now. I’ve never once been tempted in the past but now I don’t really have a choice in the matter. Damn you Andy Daly!!!

Now playing

You missed Holy Motors. One of the best but craziest movies I've seen in the past ten years:

I've never made a comment on this site ever before but I HAD to second the endorsement of The Adventures of Mark Twain. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.