
*blank stare* she knows dick about...... STEM careers? Like I said before, Nina Davuluri has a degree in Brain, Behavior and Cognitive Science. She's also currently in a Pre-Med program and is going to Med School next year. So I think its pretty safe to say that she was indeed speaking about what she knows. But you

Except for the fact that she holds a B.S. in Brain, Behavior, and Cognitive Science from the University of Michigan.

I know this was supposed to be an "aww cute he asked Miss America to prom!" But something about the fact that the young woman was there to discuss the importance of STEM careers, which is made even more significant given that she could have encouraged more young women to go into that field as Nina herself is going to

It's three days of in-school suspension — it's not that big a deal. He was told not to do it, he did it anyway, so he's being held accountable for what he freely chose to do. Notice that he managed to get the focus directed on 18-year-old, pre-frat boy behavior instead of this woman's actual speech about STEM

That reply is basically: "No but I can't rude about it because I have a job in PR so I'm going to pretend I'm busy, you sad pathetic boy. Try asking a girl your own age that might actually want to go to prom." Sorry, Pat. Maybe you should consider boundaries next time you try to strong arm a woman into validating

Oh c'mon, this movie starred an African-American girl for at least 3 or 4 minutes. Maybe even five minutes. After that it mostly starred an Amphibian-American.

Hardly the protagonist. He was barely in the movie.

Kirsten Dunst is a moron. I've mentioned this before, but I once saw a televised interview with her in which she talked about the character development for one of her film roles. Kirsten said, "She does a complete 360!".

She was totally not into it. It was the most bizarre sex tape ever. I wasn't sure if it was just a situation where she was like "well...we do this all the time and I'm not into anymore but I'll take one for the team," type thing or if that was just what she's like normally in bed. Either way, Ray J was EXTREMELY in

I cannot get over these replies. No one is trying to tell Kirsten Dunst how the industry works. But on a larger level, it is offensive and DEFINITELY INCORRECT to state that women are only harassed when they "court" it. I think it's dimestore feminism to imply that women only get harassed when they ask for it. Oh,

So where is the mainstream beauty industry on not wearing pants and sitting on the couch all day? I'm still the trendsetter here, yes?

I don't get what is disturbing about this.

Meh... those tattoos fade in less than a year. At least she got it there and not on the outside of her mouth.

I hate those ads. Especially the deodorant one. They're following the oldest trick in advertising to women: create insecurity, sell product to alleviate insecurity. The goddamn thing starts with "Are you secure enough to show your armpits?" (this is a rough translation, I get the ad in my own language). Well I was but

She's not 80, she's 31.

Child of her time? She wasn't born in 1940. I'm 10 years older than she is and I know that what she said is bullshit.

Why is it my job to stroke a man's ego though? Not trying to be snarky but this is something I really don't get.

Yeah, if she had just stopped after "it's a valuable thing my mum created," I would have been completely on board. But then she had to go and make it all gender-and hetero-normative. Plenty of same-sex couples use these roles because they work for them; if one person earns enough to support the family and the other is