
You only have a record if you are convicted of a crime. Being arrested and booked does equal a conviction.

Who cares? Real Napoli pizza makers wouldn’t even recognize that New Yorkers call pizza as a pizza. That’s OK though because New York pizza is great. If a guy from Naples preferred New York style pizza, that would be OK, right?

March 3rd. In Tacoma, WA. And he was on drugs, and violently aggressive with police and public alike. But sure, lump this in with the others.

It’s the same thing. Sports is entertainment. When the public doesn’t like an actor or a musician, they stop buying. Same with sports. When you take a public stand, you risk alienating people. That’s why most quarterbacks are so milquetoast. They are the face of the franchise and if they piss off enough season ticket

Oh, that was all handled in the prequels. It seems to be a disease. Christine was patient zero. A Plymouth Fury that came to life and, though linked to it’s human owner, gained a taste for killing humans.

“Calmly” is something you added. Having not seen the video, I certainly can’t say he asked calmly. And unless you’ve seen the video, I’m guessing you can’t say so either.

I would change “is” to “is now known publicly to be” and you are closer.

You know it’s OK to say that one should look both ways before they cross the street while also condemning drivers who run red lights. It’s not an either or thing. It’s both.

Blackface has been bad form since the 1930s. What’s changed is the definition of blackface. Blackface used to be a very well defined practice of using shoe polish to make your face black. Pitch black. Not brown, not tan - black.

It’s not even that. Cars are controlled. You can replicate those controls with video game controls.

I appreciate the reply. But hear me out. It’s not the QB alone that you wouldn’t need. You wouldn’t need wide outs. Or offensive linemen adept at pass blocking. Just road graders, lots of running backs, and someone to return kicks.

Oklahoma won the 73 Sugar Bowl (handily) with their QB going 1-4.

No, there’s one punter on offense. He’s the QB.

Not to mention that this could very well be a viable real world strategy. It’s not like we have a lot of data on this NOT working in the real world. The only place this is even tryable is in Madden and the NFL. It takes advantage of the salary cap. Since QBs cost a fortune, by forgoing one, you can absolutely stack

I’m saying that we have been stuck with landscape screens for a long time. Movie theaters are in landscape and thus, so are TVs.

It happens. It’s just up to the artist. But again, this image, this action, all the danger is coming from the top and bottom of the screen.

Artists paint landscapes in portrait and portraits in landscape as well.

This looks better in portrait. It’s your screen that’s wrong.

Exactly. Not all actors are paid the same either. Women models get paid more than male models. It’s all about supply and demand.
