
People who complain about people reclining their seatbacks are giant babies. Full stop.

I’m taller than you and the seat reclining doesn’t bother me at all. It’s on a pivot. The part at the passenger’s shoulder moves about three inches.


In my head. As with all films.

Dunkin’ Idaho’s ghola approves.

Some of us go on trips and things. This industry is going to suffer as long as there’s competing standards for charging on the road.

Yes, he’s probably doing it to make less famous people feel less self conscious about wearing theirs, BUT, the tag isn’t just for his name. It also explains what award he’s been nominated in and for what film.

Why did they make the Leia character in Star Wars a princess? Was it because they don’t care about the lower class victims of Empire aggression, or because the writer thought he could wring a little mileage out of the struggles of an uppity royal to contrast with the naive farm boy and the cynical smuggler?

It’s harder than that. It’s not easy to force people into mental health treatment. The circumstances under which you can hold someone in a mental health facility against their will are very limited.

How many voice actors do they need? It’s like three white guys that do basically all the male voices. That includes Dr. Hibbert (black), Bumblebee Man (Mexican), Rainier Wolfcastle (Austrian), Carl (black), Luigi (Italian), Willie (Scottish) etc.

But who is is up to on whether it will be addressed? You don’t think Trump will call her Pocahontas if she’s the nominee? You don’t think she will be asked about it at various debates?

So what?

I don’t understand people who are pro or con any of the following:

Except isn’t the plot is straight out of Memento with the amnesiac victim of that movie playing the handler?

Sure, but paper trash is different than plastic trash. And dry erase markers are not cheap and also create waste.

In order to anyone to end up in the director’s chair, they have to be amazing. And nearly every one of them started with small personal films that virtually no one saw. Tiny handmade films that caught the right eyes.

Hill Street Blues

The solution is simple. And would be highly unpopular. Year round school, no homework until 10th grade. School is 9-5.

Exactly. People act like space is a place you go. Space is where we are.

No. I am not trying to convince you that the Joker is a good movie. I think of movies as being highly subjective.