
Lawful neutral like any lawyer. I can’t be good or evil. I represent the interest of a client who may be good, evil, or neutral depending on your perspective. That’s the job.

You concede my point. My point is clearly relevant to the comment it is in response to. There are exceptions to this rule. Why is pointing this out in any way objectionable or controversial?

Seattle, WA. And I’m not sure why you think I’m a racist.

LOL. I’ve “wasted” about 15 minutes total on this.

Obviously I don’t know what she was talking about. I took her at her very clear word.

Anything else?

I’m not asking anyone but KateH to acknowledge anything.

I pretty sure I didn’t suggest it was.  I am not an original poster here.  I am responding to something someone said that is pretty clearly wrong.  

Sure, or the original poster was throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

You mean, none of these people are going to hire me? Shit.

How would I use square brackets verbally?

There is no other word that an attorney would not say. None. I’ve heard every word you can come up with spoken, not as a statement, but as a quote of someone else’s statement in a courtroom.

I’m a lawyer. We often have to quote what other people say. When you say white people can never say the n-word you surely can’t mean in an official setting where substituting the word (any word) would be misquoting what was said. Academia, legal settings, there are times when we have to discuss things like grownups.

Sure, except if we don’t have children, what does it matter about greenhouse gasses? Children are the only point of our existence. Like all animals, we have but one job: to reproduce. That’s it. That’s all we are meant to do. That’s all we’ve been evolving for. That’s all any of us has been evolving for. Reproduction

Well, rock and roll died in the 1990's. Alternative/Indie was the last gasp. It folded back on itself and subsequently died.

Well, we don’t, right?

As a person who is half English and who has family in England should I NOT vote for England over, say, Colombia where I have no relations?

Jesus. You have no idea if this is true.

Hey, but good on her not running or resisting, right? She gave them no reason to shoot and she was arrested without incident like thousands are every day.
