
Yeah, that idea that the Norse “Gods” had to be white never made much sense to me. Yes, white people worshipped them historically, but they are Gods and if they were real, they would presumably be the entire world’s Gods. Not just one small part of it.


I know right? It’s almost like the writers and producers of these stories think they can profit off of them.

I’m not in favor of anything Trump is doing with migrants or, really, anything. But this is nothing like Nazi Germany. Jews taken to concentration camps weren’t sneaking into Nazi Germany. They were German Citizens, rounded up because of their ethnicity and shipped out to camps for elimination.

Sure. But all of our ancestors were pieces of shit. Some were just better at it than others. All of us were colonizers. All of us were colonized. There’s a reason we went from we-don’t-even-know how many languages to about 6,500 currently spoken languages. And half of those will be gone in 100 years.

Are you really asking?

I assume those statistics are correct. I’m not surprised at them at all. Guess what percentage of thefts result in a conviction. Criminal convictions are hard to obtain.

You can’t be this obtuse. You just can’t. The police arrest rapists. Police say things like what you said all the time. ALL THE TIME. They prosecute and punish rapists. And they advise the public on how to maximize their personal safety as well. Those are two ways of addressing the same problem.

That’s on you. That’s on you for seeing that person as a douchebag.

I didn’t chime in with any advice for anyone. I didn’t tell anyone what to do and what not to do. I merely pointed out that yelling at someone giving sound advice (even if the advice is completely unnecessary) is wrong headed.

No one is telling me anything. I’m not lecturing anyone. I’m not telling anyone what to do or say. I’m simply pointing out that people giving sound advice are not the enemy. Even if it’s advise that you don’t need, it’s never bad to hear.

What a matronizing response. Bravo.

Well, no one is telling this woman anything, unfortunately. The reminder to be safe is a statement to the living. And as useless at such a statement might be, it’s considerably less useless than suggesting that the police remind people not to rape/murder.

Disagree. All of us can only control what we do. None of us can control what others do. I tell my kids to look both ways before crossing the street regardless of whether they have a walk signal or not. Regardless of whether they are in a marked crosswalk or not. Why? Because that might keep them safe. I have no

Sure. But you can only control what you do. I tell my kids to look both ways before they cross the street. I understand (as do they) that cars are supposed to stop when they enter the crosswalk. But since they can’t actually control other people they know to do what they can do to keep themselves as safe as possible.

The point is everyone is under the false impression that things are really bad and are getting depressed about it. Perhaps things are bad. But it’s hard to say because by almost every metric THEY’VE NEVER BEEN BETTER.

Sure. But we had INS and it was pretty much the same thing.

Which is why no one ever talks about history. /s

Perhaps. I’m not sure what that has to do with this. This was a tax passed by the city counsel to “solve” “our” homeless crisis. As if it could be solved and as if it was a local problem. This after the city passed a mandatory minimum wage that was over double the national standard. This after the city doubled the

Who says there’s been a sudden surge? Just because everything is video recorded and posted on the internet doesn’t mean it’s happening more or less often.