
It’s not just $80 million to $100 million.” Imagine being so detached from the value of money that you would utter the word “just” before saying $80 million.

I agree that makes more sense for most of us as viewers, although I have plenty of family and friends from northern England that do not appreciate their accents regularly being used to imply a lack of class - it’s really just playing on familiar stereotypes, despite the fact that plenty of reasonably wealthy have

Exactly. If you’re “eating clean,” why do you need vitamins.

“Real food and vitamins”

I’m sure it was torture for Jen too now that we know Jake showers once a week.

Why is this suddenly a story today in every gossip rag? What weird PR agent move is this, and whose PR agent is pushing the story?

Lots of (presumably) non-Jewish people getting pretty defensive in these comments. Try taking a breath and reading / listening to what Sarah Silverman is saying instead of giving in to kneejerk reactions.

never commented on anything on this site in my life. am i wrong about about communities of color being sick of white people or did you just want to tell a jew when something is antisemitic or not? 

My first reaction was grumpiness; I’m Jewish, but my mother converted prior to my birth. So I’m always a bit touchy when there’s a discussion about Jewishness as a flat-line identity; it’s hard to feel “Jewish enough” in a lot of communities.

But I looked a bit deeper to see what Sarah meant and actually, yeah. It is

Here are some more recent examples:

There is definitely merit to what Sarah Silverman is saying. And as a Jewish woman who runs in circles with other Jewish women, we’ve all been talking about it non-stop since the video went up yesterday.

UM, is it wholly not understandable that jews be sick of motherfucking gentiles? the same way POC are sick of motherfucking white people? you HAVE heard of the holocaust, i assume.

Yes, the reaction on here is weird. Do Jews run Hollywood or do they not? When someone like Steve Bannon says it, it’s proof of anti-semitism, but in this comment section it seems to be acceptable?

Silverman shouldn’t hold her breath. Antisemitism seems to be the one form of oppression that the woke faction handwaves away, barring some sort of Charlottesville-type display.

You seem nice.

Wasn’t trying for a “gotcha.” Just tired of the constant antisemitism on this website.

The People article says its will be The Nightmare Before Christmas “live concert experience.” I take this to mean that pop stars and celebrities will do renditions of the songs with maybe some animated interludes/stage effects. This seems far less of a bad idea than trying to do a CGI “live-action” monstrosity version

Wow, I didn’t know “you shouldn’t support abusers” was just the top of a slippery slope that would lead to us all falling prey to the Gestapo.  I just finished a history of the Third Reich, but I must have missed the part where what started it all off was the idea that you should maybe not offer public support and

An action can be both understandably human and a perfectly legitimate reason for criticizing the person taking that action. Falling all over herself to praise and provide comfort and excuses, in a public forum no less, to defend an abuser, is a bad thing for Couric to decide to do and she deserves criticism for doing

You want to “both sides” a man with a rape button? Weird position to take but follow your rapist supporting heart, I guess.