
Agreed, the kid did not simply “trip” on the cat’s leash as his mom leads us to believe— animals don’t just drop dead when that happens. Additionally, the cat’s back was bloodied from the impact of the fall and he was declawed while trying to escape. The claws of a cat are direct extensions of their bone structure,

Yeah, pretty clear this story is about a very disturbed 12 year old that needs psychiatric intervention and extremely Anti-Asian, racist, violent family.

Seems like the kid’s an evil little fuck raised by evil racist fucks.

This is not to excuse the action, but rather an attempt to figure out why the incident still seems sort of fishy.”  This is not to excuse the action, but here’s a whole fucking article doing just that.

What the actual fuck is this article? A murderous asshole of a kid took a cat’s life. Then his (white) family beat the (Asian) owners when they nearly lost it on the little monster. Gentrification doesn’t play into this anywhere. What a weird, pointless and heartless take on a senseless tragedy.

These weird takes are all too typical of the writing on Jezebel these days. None of the writers know how to make a cogent point, so they seize on something that sounds cool or topical and try to build a take on that. It comes out disjointed and odd-sounding, if not downright offensive. More and more I come here only fo

Seriously. What the actual fuck. A child abuses an animal and in response the ENTIRE family abuses a couple (one of whom we know is Thai) and their other animals, and this take is they might have thought it was weird to see a cat on a leash something something gentrification something influencers.

Thank god that seems to be the general consensus. Reading the piece actually put me in a funk. Even if the couple were “gentrifiers,” it is absolutely no justification for what happened. And I REALLY don’t get why the writer seems to suggest that walking a cat on a leash is some kind of offensive behavior? This family

These people are fucking evil. This was both a hate crime and the murder of an animal.

Congrats, this might be the worst take I’ve seen on this story yet.

Welp, I made the mistake of clicking the links and reading more about the story. The kid apparently stomped on the cat and threw her up in the air so hard that she died. Then the other 7 people in the family beat the shit out of the lady until bystanders pulled them off her. 

This seems like a lot of reaching for rationalization. Sometimes people are violent assholes, and they often take it out on defenseless animals. I very much doubt gentrification had anything to do with it.

that’s Joan’s MO.  Joan makes me not want to support this site. 

Yeah this is what always happens when someone comes out as nonbinary, if you do so and you already ‘look weird’ you just ‘want to be special because you have pink hair’ if you’re apparently presenting too much as a binary gender you ‘just want to be special/aren’t really nonbinary’ and if you’re andrognyous it’s ‘You

Right? I’m not here for trashing this person. They’ve been through a lot of shit.

I will never understand the phenomenon of people who take time to post “who???” or “why do we care??” comments on articles about celebrities. If I don’t know or care about the person being covered I simply scroll past. Perhaps you could explain it to me?

I don’t understand the point or tone of this article.
This has already been written about by Jezebel. The tone sounds particularly snarky at this person for .... coming out as non-binary? I don’t get it.

That’s not precisely true. Non-binary folks simply do not have a gender within the binary-that is, they don’t identify with the gender construct of “man” or the construct of “woman”. There are a lot of different ways that people identify this way, including with a third gender, with no gender (or agender), with more

They* but agree with you.

Is this article supposed to be a joke about Stodden because she fits conventional gender norms and so can only be interested in “doing gender” as some kind of means of attention-grabbing?