
Oh and Nirvana is my favorite band so piss off in advance.

Kid Cudi, who I also don’t really know - has a long way to go to match Cobain’s talent.

I mean, those are certainly some words you said, and you’re welcome to believe them, but the quality of a movie is subjective. What is -objectively- true is that Juno got a lot of attention, critical acclaim, and awards, including an Oscar specifically for the screenplay by Diablo Cody. It is remembered in the


Here’s an idea:

Well.  Then those of us who don’t want to read it could avoid it. 😂

I have a “I’m honestly not bullshitting” question; has the idea of a daily Kardashian-only feature ever come up at a Jez staff meeting?

I have no issues with filters and nice lighting. What Kardjenners are doing is DISTORTING their bodies into blow up doll and alien territories.

Unlike many commenters here, I typically have patience with the Kardashian family. They just don’t get under my skin much. But this shit is beyond the pale to me for some reason. I guess I hit my cap. The idea of a 37 yo woman hopping on Instagram live to “prove” her body actually looks a certain way is INSANE to me.

Hi! Um, it’s really NOT a holiday for everyone. 

I think her intention was pure, but it might come across as attention seeking to some.

I could be wrong but Gozilla and King Kong were neither Marvel or DC characters. I am confused.

Maybe Gwen was on Disney shows as a kid?

the Venn diagram of Gwen Stefani and Ariana Grande’s careers is a flat circle”

It’s two years later now, so I’m giving this entire debacle my big, red “NOT NEWS” stamp. Good luck to both of them!

I really dislike Rami Malek after he played dumb about Bryan Singer. He really should have been called out for that more but he got a pass for lying about it. 

Even Kate doesn’t believe William is the sexiest bald man alive.  No one else is going to fall for it.

The sheer thirst of the man. It's embarrassing at this point.

Isn’t Prince Albert the one whose wife keeps trying to run away? I know there is a current story about a Princess from Dubai trying to escape but didn’t one of the Euro princesses try to bail on her marriage several years ago but ended up going back? A blonde? I think it was Albert’s wife. 

This is what happens when Prince Albert is allowed out of the can.