
That’s a great idea, except, and I say this as someone who works in the music industry, it would make ABSOLUTELY ZERO DIFFERENCE. None. Nada. Zilch. If 10 million people bought premium subscriptions, it would have NO bearing on the amount artists are paid. I wish it was different, is not.

LOL it’s so cute how you think having more subscribers would make spotify inclined to pay artists more

I can’t remember the actor, but she has this great quote about how when she started out in pictures, a famous matinee idol type played her grandfather. Then he played her father, then her husband. “If he’d lived, I’m sure I would have played his mother. That’s how it is in Hollywood; the men get younger and the women

Once Tom Hollandest comes along, those two will barely cross your mind.

It wasn’t about masks, he was set off because two crew members were closer than six feet while looking at a computer screen. If whoever you work for insisted that everyone has to come back to work in person, can you honestly say you would never find yourself inadvertently within six feet of a coworker?  And if you

Taking issue with Tom Cruise’s verbal abuse of his employees does not equal being willing to infect other people. That’s completely illogical, just as screaming is a completely ineffective way to communicate.

It is quite possible that we can take the wearing of masks seriously and also not scream at and belittle other humans in public. It does not require acting like an asshole to respect that mask wearing should be mandatory.

I’m ok with following rules on the job and being fired if you don’t follow the rules. For example, at my work we take temp checks, fill out questionnaire, wear masks etc. every day and if I don’t follow rules I’ll be fired. But no one will scream at me.

apparently a big part of Scientology is instilling in its followers that only they are capable of recognizing what’s wrong with the world and fixing it. Add to that the massive ego of a movie store of his magnitude and yeah, Messiah complex on steroids.  The rant was a great sentiment but poorly executed and I

Agreed. I can’t even take Cruise seriously when he had that weird video of him watching Tenet in a packed theater during the summer, practically endorsing everyone that it was okay to go again when it definitely wasn’t.

No, just because it’s COVID and people are more vulnerable to economic hardship, it doesn’t give the right for bosses to be bullies and abusive. In fact, it’s even more condemning that he KNOWS that people are having a hard time and is willing to put them on the line to make an example out of them, while his own

I agree with you. Just because you need an income, it doesn’t mean that you have to take verbal (or any type of abuse) from bosses. These people have no recourse when Mr. Temper-pants screams at them or fires them on the spot. It says a lot about our society that we compare how much abuse we can tolerate from bosses

So what you’re saying is, it’s OK for your boss to scream at you and call you a motherfucker. As long as we can pay the bills the boss’ behavior is excused. Got it.

I’m actually all for wearing masks and do all the time and believe in listening to the scientists on the matter.

I finally listened to the Cruise rant. It’s great that he’s taking Covid seriously but beyond that his screaming was creepy and too much. Also, it’s clear that he has some sort of Messiah Complex or something wherein he believes he’s saving the world. I don’t think I’d want to work for a guy like that.

In other movie titles that should exist, Fast 10: Your Seat Belt

Sure, feeling sympathy for them is fine - after all, how many of us truly KNOW our friends well enough to be 100% certain they could never be capable of something so vile? Probably none of us. I can totally understand how difficult that would be to reconcile in your mind.

Chris Pine is Fine.

(CW: mention of child sexual abuse)