
Demi should be happy about having dodged this bullet.  He’s certainly showing his true stalker-y colors now. 

I think we all should leave Demi Lovato alone - and completely ignore him. He’s thirsty for the clicks.

The outcry from readers here is not about relinquishing anybody’s right to express beliefs, nor is it intellectually honest to imply this post is even about beliefs. This post isn’t saying anything substantive about the content of the debate, or the policy positions of any candidate, fringe or mainstream. It is a sarc

Three withered husks play-acting as authorities on the Empire’s future? REALLY?

As I said down-thread, the whole point of writing shit like this is to make people think their options are basically similar and let them off the hook for not bothering to choose between the two candidates. The post equates the two candidates several times, denigrates Biden for...existing I guess? and presents the

I strongly disagree with the statement that everyone reading this site is already voting for Biden. Based on voter turn out from all major past elections this century, it’s more likely that most people reading this site swing left, but DON’T VOTE. The majority of eligible voters do not vote in the US. So anyone that

100%! We can either vote for someone who will be at least somewhat responsive to pressure from voters on the left (see: Biden’s climate platform- it’s a helluva lot more progressive than climate policy he’s promoted in years past), or we can vote for someone that doesn’t give a shit about the future of the country and

Donald Trump’s entire strategy is to be so terrible and awful that his awfulness rubs off on everyone else around him, causing voters to be disgusted and equating both sides as being awful, decreasing turnout.

A pale and rather exhausted looking Democratic nominee, pushed through the primary as the party’s favored choice mostly due to the optics of his former post”

That’s not “disappointment,” it’s “hyperbolic bullshit.”

That’s a bad take and you should feel bad for not only having it, but sharing it.
I’d assume that after 4 years of Trump, both-siding would have dissapear from America, but hey ! not you !

I get that you are tired of it all, I’d not last a week doing your job, but if that pushes you to write crap like that, maybe take

White privilege: The luxury of being able to watch a “debate” between a guy who is winking at white supremacists and a guy who you only agree with 80% of the time, and see some kind of “both sides” narrative.

It’s baffling that a feminist website employs so many edgelords as writters.

You can lick your wounds about how the primaries went as long as you want, I guess, but the thing is, they went. They are over. What’s on the table right now is the impending election of the next president of the USA.

Fuck perfection.  Trump was the only bad choice up there last night, and there’s no point in pretending otherwise.  Biden’s not perfect, but he’s still a shit-ton better than 4 more years of Trump, and anyone who wants to debate that is either disingenuous at best or a Trump supporter at worst.  

Please, spare us this utter BS. No one with a functioning brain watched that debate and places both candidates on an equal footing.  Trump was a sweaty, bloviating bully with a side of racist, fascist dogwhistles. Call a spade a spade. If you’re undecided at this point or voting for Trump you support white supremacy.

All I can say to this ‘essay’ is

Alright, no, this was a bad take.

There are a lot of ways to question Trump about the support he gets from white supremacists, and Trump’s own obvious embrace of white supremacy. Wallace went with the least effective, least confrontational one. All he did was ask Trump to condemn white supremacy, which should be an extraordinarily low bar to clear for

Bernie/Liz Warren supporter here.

Why is your instinct still to “both sides” this? Your preferred guy lost two primaries despite promising revolutions that never came, mostly because his supporters never showed up in the numbers needed. The progressive faction simply does not have the numbers. Go do the ground of increasing your numbers, increasing