
The kids on POC Tiktok know how it works. They create hilarious and amazing content that gets copied by white kids and then blows up. The originators rarely get credit or clout for their creations. And yet they are thriving and continuing to create. Tale as old as time...

Yes! Without the cops, who will tell me that filing a report when someone made an illegal left and hit me on my motorcycle is TOO MUCH WORK? I believe the exact quote was "I mean, writing this up would take, like, 8 hours."

I’m getting really fucking sick of people like you two idiots. I’d you think it’s such an agenda, we’re not changing our minds, so go take candy from a baby or something...Jesus. I don’t have time for this intentional idiocy anymore! And neither should either of you! Grow up!

I’d sooner call my gigantic cousins with guns. I learned my lesson when the cops I called for my husband putting his hands on me,and then locking the door when he left because he got recalled to base after notifying his commander; knowing my keys were still in the apartment, stopped giggling with each other long

Haha, I love this response. My roommate called the police while a person was inside our apartment, and the cops did nothing. He was hiding in a closet and whispering into the phone, and the cops said they were “too busy.” They didn’t bother to come. When I got home from work, he was still jittery and told me


Of course it wouldn’t be, why would it be? Do you blame a sport news channel to not report on global news? Would you blame a science news channel to not report on religious news?

This is a media that report BLACK news. 

At the very least, learn how cops are trained to deal with things like this”

Well seeing as a cop didn’t prevent this, not sure what point you are trying to make. 

Are you unable to read? The kids used Skateboard to fend off SOMEONE ATTACKING THEM WITH A KNIFE.

You’re right, when a story comes out about cops pointing assault rifles at children, we should all try to consider just how difficult a job they have and how grossly incompetent we are compared with the noble and righteous police, and thank them for not murdering those kids in an unfortunate misunderstanding.

It is pretty fucking ironic that you are screetching about “but what if you need to call the cops because you’re being attacked,” and that IS EXACTLY WHAT THESE KIDS DID. And what did the cops do? Point assault rifles directly at them with their fingers on the trigger. Get. Fucked. 

I used to call the police.

Yeah, without the cops, who will show up to my house 2 hours after I get robbed and assaulted with a clipboard to take down my information? We can’t possibly investigate and solve crimes if we can’t also point assault rifles at children because we don’t like black people!

You don’t understand. He needed that firepower. They had ...

Fuck. The. Police.

You failed so fucking hard at reading...

The cops had already determined they were going to try to shoot someone when they got word that the parties involved in this altercation were either black or homeless.

Re: High Fidelity, I assume they canceled the show because viewership wasn’t high enough? But I didn’t see this show promoted at all. I only knew it existed when it got canceled. I understand that a show that’s good enough ought to generate interest in its own right from critics/the public, but when I mean it wasn’t

I hate when rappers say “Spanish girls/ladies/women” do you want a woman from Spain? Or a Latina that speaks Spanish? I’ve heard many male rappers say Spanish girls and it’s annoying to hear Megan say this when she’s from Houston and guaranteed has been around a lot of Latinos. Know the difference. Spanish is not the