
Yup, that song drop doesn’t say anything good about August’s motivation about speaking of his relstionship with Jada. She’s gross for going after someone so young, I’d be side eyeing a man for that, and he's gross for cashing in on it. 

he literally thinks he is scifi man made creature god.

Sick of Kanye and the entire Kardashian grift theme. They’re grotesque, at this point.

That instagram image is terrifying. I basically refuse to click on anything about him.  He’s just an idiot, and so problematic in our culture. 

Major stories are generally not the purview of the weekend writer. Small sites like Jezebel aren't 24/7 operations, writers take the weekend off and a small skeleton crew (often just one person) runs some light content until everybody gets back to work on Monday.

Accidently read one of the highlighted comments under the Megan story this morning, where someone’s arguement was basically she needed to stop being a drama queen and everybody goes rhrough things, and stop bringing being a black women into things.

I guarantee you that if this had been thrown in with Dirt Bag there eould have been an uproar, and rightly so. Likely from the very people bitching now. And yes to.putting out something thoughtful and not sloppy. 

Maybe you should start saying what you mean in your first comment. Save everyone some bother.

Because they’re news sites with teams of journalists and not blogs? And yah, if Hilary died we’d probably see a lead of some gossip, because it’s a gossip blog? I understand what you want, just not why your expectations for celebrity gossip blog are the same as news sites?

Cameron Dallas, 4/10: “pulled a ‘Do you know who I am?!’”

I wouldn’t want John Lewis mentioned in Dirt Bag.  This is a gossip article, and he is much more deserving of an article that is just about him, and his life.

This is not a breaking news site, but even if it was you think that honouring John Lewis belongs in “Dirt Bag” and not its own feature, where it’s not condensed to a bullet point? It’s a blog. Give them a minute so they can write something more thoughtful than throwing it in with “Diane Keaton looks for a fork”.

I find it really hard to appreciate Diane Keaton’s “loopy eccentric aunt” persona considering her unwavering devotion to Woody Allen.

I mean... you’re not wrong, but this is Dirt Bag, not the Slot. Or, like, CNN.

Why? Because she showed up with a friend/gf/date, wore a mask, and didn’t cause a spectacle to an event where she just stood and watched stuff?

“Garners attention” they’re wearing masks??? And if someone else took their photo and wrote a story it’s still their fault for being in public where they can be caught existing?

Sigh. Again, is there not plenty of real shit to be outraged about right now?  Holding hands in public is the infraction?  I don’t get this at all.

Oof, that post feels very “maybe you shouldn’t have dressed like this, maybe he wouldn’t have attacked you” type of deal.

Issue here is with the press, so, you guys. Not her. Not her fault you can’t keep momentum because y’all lost integrity long ago. It’s on you guys to cover the right thing.

You blame her for making

I don’t get the first story in this article. Like the headline is mad that they’re taking attention away from a BLM protest because of something that isn’t even confirmed? So in frustration over 2 people that are getting more attention from the media than a protest you’re going to.... write an article about the 2

I’ve seen a lot of mean-spirited snark on this site toward Cara D from multiple bloggers, and I don’t understand it. Is there something about her I should know? Or is she just the new Anne Hathaway, who it’s apparently okay to hate on for no discernible reason?