
@Daimyo: Unfortunately I've not seen many other GT5 videos with track loading screens in them (probably because the people uploading the videos are cutting that stuff out, not expecting anyone to be interested in it). At least this one proves that some of the tracks load pretty damn fast and thus there is no

@SuicidalEarthworm: Of course, another way to look at it would be that the money Sony gets from PSN+ subscribers is what helps them to pay the server and bandwidth bills, and thus keep PSN free for everyone else.

It loads slow because it's the biggest track in the game. Other tracks load much faster. The Tokyo R246 track is shown loading in this video (from about the 00:42 mark onwards) in a fraction of the time:

@Uchikoma: It could probably (via a custom library rather than the standard MS Kinect SDK) track individual fingers if you had your hand only a foot or so away from the camera, but in that case you'd probably be way too close to your screen for comfortable play. Unless you got a USB extension cable and had the Kinect

@Hello Mister Walrus: Wait a minute... the Zerg rush?!! Thanks for spoiling Starcraft for me, you heartless scum :(

"The game's backgrounds were influenced by Tristan & Isolde... or was it GunHed? I'm always confusing those two films... it's probably Tristan & Isolde that was the influence, but it might also be GunHed. You'll have to judge for yourselves."

@Salen: The vote would indeed be covered in cat-hair. This is called "entanglement".

@Alex McMillan: Even if you were able to vote for that scenario, it would be impossible for anyone to count your vote without also changing your vote.

Hmm. A not very good port of a not very good game. I'll bet that this will be a huge success.

"Kinect games will be £40"

@Robert Mares: Fortunately not. The TV licence is a single flat fee that allows the licence holder to watch (pretty much) any number, size and type of television device located at their address. Anyone else at your address (spouse, kids, etc) is also covered by this one licence, although if you're renting out rooms

Yikes. As a UK-based PS3 owner, I'll happily stick to my (free*) BBC iPlayer portal, thanks.

@DocSeuss: Indeed not. The PS3's "hypervisor"-based security has been so successful that Nintendo seem likely to put something similar in the 3DS.

@Z_Naught: I believe that GT5 features 4xAA when playing in 720P mode and 2xAA in 1080P.

@SixWingedAngel: I should have been more clear, I was referring to the original version of Vice City.

I adored the original, so it would be great to see this as either a downloadable title or an "HD Remake" along the lines of the God Of War Collection. They already have the art assets from the PC version, so it should be possible to make it look quite a lot better than it did on PS2.

I've been playing Insomniac's games since the original Ratchet & Clank, and I wish them nothing but the best with this move (even as a self-admitted Sony fan). We may be losing an exclusive developer, but at least we'll be gaining a multi-platform developer that really knows how to get the most out of the PS3!