
I would love to be her and work with this fine piece of man!

I would like to objectify a lemon cake right now.

I can't wait to join this lawsuit. Yes, we'll probably end up with $20 each, but everything being leaked just confirms my experience of working at SPE. HR letting execs get away with murder, horrible business decisions, and no regard for the "little people" who make up 90% of employees. I want them to suffer.


Harry is a smart, sensible guy. When I was at Sony, Wheel and Jeopardy always had their shit together- Harry's team is tight, protective of their brands, and most have been there a long time and were promoted from within- which is sadly rare at Sony. I can't believe CBS tried to pass over this bullshit on Harry

Merv Griffin is one of television history's greatest minds, and this is the guy who basically took over for Merv Griffin. He's renowned for how he has kept both shows fresh and relevant while leaving the basic rules and structure the same as they have been for decades.

No it's real easy. You just need one tool.

Absolutely. That guy came up with a genius idea, seemingly out of the blue.

Friedman's idea for a fix is excellent. Someone implement that, please.

Yup. I'm super involved with a rescue, and can assure the citizens of LA that we can find you any kind of dog you want- pure, mixed, big, small. Recent dogs we've had- a 2 year old English Bulldog- a 2 year old Great Pyranees - a year old cocker spaniel - a bunch of fluffy little poodle things under 5 lbs - a 6 month

On behalf of all of the shelter dogs and all of the strays, and this poor little dog, too, I weep.

Amazing. I always wondered why my phone would go from 100% to 0 in a few hours. I was close to paying for a replacement battery. My serial # checks out as one of the affected phones.

Now playing

And, yet, my hopes for a California Dreams biopic go unrealized.

Let me be clear: When I say that a secret treasure room may be the best birthday present ever, I don't mean to say that it is the greatest birthday present ever for a four year old, I mean that it is the greatest birthday present ever, full stop. You know, in case anyone reading this is wondering what to get me for my

This is actually indicative of the new trend happening amongst young Tumblr professionals these days, which is "labia gap." The idea is that your vaginal lips must be positioned to form a sort of upside-down horseshoe; the wider the horseshoe, the more cachet among your fellow teen bloggers. There is training that you


Come on- no mention of one of Michelle's best roles as Ben Stiller's super cool love interest in The Heartbreak Kid?

As someone who has helped run a local LGBT clinic, I want to voice my opinion.
When I watched the movie, I felt that the movie was able to capture bits and pieces of the problems faced by different trans-gender men or women. Of course, we didn't live in their shoes and we can't judge how "accurately" it portrays the

How I imagine her to be.