
You can defintely rescue. I’ve had 3 foster English Bulldogs myself. I will say they are super expensive to maintaim because of their various issues, so check out olde English bulldog he’s (I’ve seen in shelters as well) or staffies. Everyone I know who owns an english bulldog has spent at least 10k on surgeries/vet

case & point- Jaden and Willow

I felt this episode really jumped the shark. Unoriginal- yay, you used every famous serial killer- and it’s become too campy- isn’t Scream Queens supposed to be Murphy’s campy show?! I really loved AHS: Murder House, and I wish I could actually be scared/creeped out by this show again.

I feel you. Best decision- going to my favorite LA thrift store on Friday “just for a minute” since it was on the way back from my Dr’s appointment and my bestie had tagged along since she’s visiting from out of town. She scored DVF wedges, Brian Atwood platform pumps, Christian Louboutin espadrilles, and 2 pairs of

He’s amazing! Here’s the IG in my life; he’s my friends’ but I helped raise the little guy when he was a pup:

You are totally right- it’s uncanny. I think you should do the right thing for ‘merica and submit this!!! I <3 IGs...

Yup. It makes me sad that he’s not running (but he is pretty old to run). The GOP needs another McCain.

I have been using Sephora’s airbrush foundation for about a year and I love it. The lazy ass in me can safely apply it while stopped at red lights while driving to work. My friend who is a model/cosmetologist also swears by it. The “fair” color has yellow undertones that totally cover any redness from acne, age spots,

Did you file over the color before applying the acetone/foil? You have to penetrate it, so try basically buffing a bit with a nail file and then redoing the removal process.


Are you suggesting an ad-libs style tabloid rundown? Because I’m so down with that.

Hilary is mastermind. You just know she had 5 y.o. Chelsea do this with the intent of leaking it years later in an attempt to get some good press. She’s the Kris Jenner of politics.

Yeah, you’re right- I went to a screening/Q&A with the writers-directors of the first Saw movie. I want to say it was made for $500-900k or so. Ditto on ticket prices and concessions, although I think that’s likely a result of the loss of the home entertainment revenue studios used to be able to depend on. I long for

I decided I wanted to work in film because of all the great indies of the 90’s. It’s a sad state of affairs now, and here’s hoping you’re right about it swinging the other way. I currently work in the industry and went to a fascinating presentation last week by a top entertainment attorney- one of the things that

I think I might be more offended by how bad the lyrics are in general. Are we being punked? Please tell me Tyga is in on this joke of a “song”.

And you know this how? I guess would-be readers can just go to the Craigslist gigs section, huh? Maybe they don’t have “credits”, but have had things sold/optioned- not that it would matter necessarily as many readers are not writers but development execs.

I agree that there are not too many truly game-changing writers, but I have met (and even managed) a few. It’s depressing and disheartening to read the s*it scripts that will actually be produced and then read these amazing, original, thoughtful scripts that will end up in a pile because the writers don’t have an

I seriously doubt these readers are “college kids” or assistants. Nicholl is a huge deal, and more often than not, you have to have solid credits/references and try out to give notes for things like Nicholl and Blcklst. That being said, many of these readers are writers as well, and they’re going to nitpick everything