
While there are some great programs there and smart people- my father is an alumni as well as my partner- even they admit that they basically went to UM because..Miami! My partner, I realized years after we had been together, was basically a huge Miami Vice fan, which resulted in his decision to go to the UM

Ahh, UM, where rich kids go to escape the harsh weather of other parts of the U.S./world. I don’t think there’s any other school that compares to UM for the outrageous displays of privilege and wealth I witnessed as a frequent visitor in the late 90’s-early 2000’s. The lunch scene was a college version of Clueless. At

this makes my blood BOIL. I hope this asshole is shunned by all who know him and his practice goes to shit. He should be extradited if possible and made as an example. It kills me that this was done by an American, albeit one from a flyover state. The photos on the referencing article make me want to reach through my

Our problem is big Pharma. Cuba clearly doesn’t have that problem.

What’s crazy is that it’s not just celebrities doing this. If you have maybe 25,000+ followers, you too can shill products on Instagram! I have a friend who does it- not sure how much she gets paid, but she’s incredibly savvy about using her Instagram as a means of income. I believe “Fit Tea” was one of her recent


I can see this being a case of his military training seeping into the judgement center of his brain. When something is normalized because you’re around it all the time (like guns), you can develop a lack of perception. I kind of feel for this guy. Military life is tough and he’s being conditioned that guys, ammo, etc.

Come on, like this is newsworthy. There are SEO specialists for everything these days, and anybody who might be mentioned in the media has google alerts going constantly. Hell, I’ve had to do this myself when working for certain unscrupulous types who may have had lawsuits, bad reviews, etc. that they wanted to bury.

I know, just weirdly similar circumstances.

Sounds like the plot of Gone Girl. Hope she is okay :(

What I would kill to be 150 again (I am also 5’8). I felt like you did even though I looked damn good at 150. I look at pictures from that time and wonder why I wasn’t satisfied, even though I was young, cute, and a size 6-8. Sorry to reminisce all over your post!

For those saying that this would never happen to a man, see the linked article in this post:

While on the subject, there is absolutely no reason to drink 2 buck chuck when TJ's Chilean collection is $1 more. The sauvignon Blanc is particularly delightful. Also great- an Italian brand called Grifone - wonderful rose and blanc varietals at a whopping $3.99

Chilean whites. Argentine reds. Duh!

You're an idiot for thinking she got chemo from her holistic doctor. Yeah, the Chinese medicine guy also does chemo in the back so he doesn't get sued for his oregano. Moron.

My point is that when does"belief" become valid to the skeptical public? Because there is FDA approval? Because it was written up in a medical journal? Because you're a medical professional and you've seen it work for people? Because it's an ancient remedy still practiced today?

Jesus, people, the guy is talking about weight loss supplements, not just advocating homeopathic only methods! He's not sending cardiology patients home from his office with a box of fucking herbs!

Sorry, but I have to defend Dr. Oz. I worked with him a bit, and the guy practices what he preaches health-wise and is a renowned cardiologist who still performs hundreds of surgeries a year. He doesn't promote products that he doesn't believe in/see potential in- I'm not saying he's necessarily correct all the time,

Rashida is so genetically blessed it's crazy. Those eyes! I used to see her at the farmer's market in Beverly Hills ordering from the awesome little taco truck like the rest of us plebs. Stunning with effortless style.

This guy so gets me. We should totally get married so we can order delivery in polite ocd harmony and delight restaurant workers everywhere.