
Just listening to the tone of his voice, it was like “You know, we have these rules for things to be and act a certain way and they’re out there just shitting all over all of it. I don’t know what’s going on out there. They’re all just acting like a bunch of goddamn animals. There’s no order. I don’t know what the

AHA! The sordid web of lies unravels. Your move, “NASA”, if you can so be called.

Feet, gallons, pounds, mph, and degrees Freedom. Welcome to the United States of Fuck your communist nonsense units.


This part of the rocket makes farts.

I was just thinking about this earlier today when I had my VAGCOM hooked up to my car. There were hundreds if not thousands of data points on every possible system of the car available to me, plus I could go in and screw with (by a cursory glance) at least 60 different car settings just with one (admittedly pricey)

The only perfect crime is the one you get away with.

Instead of frying that, you could pile it all on a plate and put the plate in the oven and make a bitchin open faced sandwich with a ton of herbs and a spritz of lemon on top.

And if you’re smooth about it, she never will.

Well that’s just a fried ham and cheese and onion sandwich.

I have bread. Thank you though.

Not once in all the time I spent in the UK did I call jelly ‘jam’ or gelatin desserts ‘jellies’ because I think you limeys need to remember your history. And where are the statues of George Washington???

take ham, sliced onions, palm oil, and a pinch of cayenne pepper and toss em in a frying pan over low heat. let em get all fried up, stirring occasionally. spread some cranberry jelly on two slices of wheat bread. pile the ham on the bread with some gouda. boom, awesome ham sammich.

I personally like horse meat, however, the regular consumption of horse meat can make people hypersensitive to horse serum derived vaccines including H5N1 influenza, tetanus, botulism, diptheria, and rabies vaccines. Someone who unknowingly consumes unlabeled horse meat could have a life-threatening reaction to an

Obviously, a couple pounds of ‘medical’ marijuana. To fight depression. The sort of depression you get when you run out of marijuana.

When some crane company does it to show off, it’s brilliant and amazing. When I pull the jungle gym out of a public playground with a winch pulling a car through the jungle gym, it’s a felony. Where is the justice?

This is a pretty good idea of how bad turbulence can be.

Puzzle 37: who cares.

That’s the spirit! It’s not like we got anything better to do.

Why not do both? Let’s terraform some random dumpy rock in interstellar space too. Lets terraform empty space too. Everyone deserves an atmosphere and bacteria floating around everywhere, even life forms made of pure energy that aren’t bound to our limited dimensions of existence.