
Sorry, making a racist joke that someone else has made before isn't racist? I don't know what this 'situation' is you speak of, it just sounds like a racist joke, which is racist. And defending racism is, in fact, racist. Your own race has no bearing on whether a joke is racist or not.

Or am I not allowed to talk because my ethnic opinions are too upsetting for your idiot bigoted perspective?

Because I'm Korean and I'm pointing out that something racist is racist, I'm a moron. Thanks for that. Let me know when your Great White Authority lets me have a turn to talk.

Making a racist joke is racist, huh, imagine that. Fuck off.

You're a racist. Kill yourself.

To me, the natural scrolling seems intuitive enough, it's a lot like trying to scroll on an iPad which is almost visceral. However, the other trackpad gestures don't respond the same way in ML. Like switching spaces/screens/desktops, whatever it's called, you swipe toward the direction you want to go, not drag the

Nobody tagged his ear yet. The pixelation you see is typical among pedophiles and other sex offenders, possibly because of some secret ritual.

I prefer the batman sippy cup for reds

Make sure not to run the fart fan in the bathroom when you shit either.

Freedom isn't free. It costs a buck O five.

Where does the dookie go???? And why did you cut off his tail??? This is incredibly distressing!

If this is how you walk, you need to freakin' quit. Quit drawing attention to yourself. You are not special, you're walking, you need to get over yourself.

Really? Without the frosting, the animal cookies are just pressed cardboard cooked in an industrial lumber dryer, by which I mean they taste like shit.

Oh my god, this calendar is a week behind! No wonder nobody takes iOS7 seriously.

I thought I saw a horse here. I was mistaken, sorry for the confusion.

I wonder how many of our tax dollars are going to be thrown away trying to cram the genie back into the fucking bottle anyway.

I've actually got the first one, it doubles as a sling attachment point so you don't look completely irresponsible.


i'll accept your silence as unconditional concession. thanks for seein it my way

conversely, does a person stabbing another to death with a steak knife make it not okay for another person to own one who doesn't do anything illicit with theirs? same with pens or hammers or cars.