Nooooo, don't be cry. :'(
Nooooo, don't be cry. :'(
Keep in mind that the death of Rosetta will mean that you can no longer use IE for Mac.
Since nobody else is going to, I guess I'll ask it:
This expresses my face-palmedness perfectly. Thank you.
It's spelled differently in the UK.
Please, that's insulting to both Yahoo and AOL.
AOL is a... uh... they make uh... computer pictures? Or something.
$100,000 and they sprang for Ukranian sapphires? I'm sorry, but for that money I expect Dutch sappires or at the very least Swiss rubies. I'd even settle for German emeralds!
Most sites use user agent strings to deliver desktop or mobile versions, but a small minority use screen resolution. The iPhone and iPad both render at a fixed resolution (1024x768 for iPad, not sure for iPhone but it's like 900x600 or something). Some net books will get the mobile sites because of their low…
As alek2407 said, safari is always the default. However, other browser like Atomic web browser give you the option of spoofing your user agent string with IE Firefox or desktop Safari, which works fantastically at getting around this little inconvenience (I just tried it now).
Interesting, but if they had named it anything else, nobody outside of the people who discovered it would even know it existed.
Maybe he did this to frame her. Barring that, he shouldn't have shutter out emotionally. Hopefully he can finder and capture some sort of compensation, especially now that his story has a lot of exposure on the internet. Tripod, reflex, TTL, hotshoe.
Lion is going to a very touchy interface. They're closing the gap betwixt iOS and Mac OS.
What is this alchemy? I demand to know the secrets of your magic.
u need to type aol keyword "internet' to do that rite???? lol, idk
The construction workers keep dying on their way up to the top. This is a very tricky mountain.
The Lenovo tax is well worth it, especially when you invest in a mobile workstation or some other niche platform that isn't offered seriously by other companies.
When keeping it "Real" goes wrong...
Looks like this little guy squeaked by QC.