No, that sounds about right to me.
No, that sounds about right to me.
If by "paper clip" you mean "supercritical mass of plutonium" and MacGyver you mean "properly licensed nuclear physicist" and "reverse engineer" you mean "do science" then yes, I can see that.
What about 911 call quality? Did they test that?
China is so efficient, they only need 4 cars.
Galaxy tab is pretty brutal. It takes me a few days to recover after see one at Best Buy (I CALL IT WORST BUY!)
Yeah, that article's inspiring all sorts of Nobel laureates as I type this.
If you give the kids computers, we'll have a generation who learn everything from tumblr, youtube, and 4chan. The only thing they'll learn from Wikipedia is this: []
If bananas are like cereal, then this is the equivalent of the store brand cereal with no box. Then the regular bananas are like the bulk cereal you scoop out into your own bag?
The planet.
Almost. The click wheel is beveled inward while the button is flush with the bezel.
If you french fry when you should have pizza'd, you're gonna have a bad time.
Wrong! It's a multitouch battery indicator. It's magical.
It's less than a whole stop, but that's still too much for me. 1/3 of a stop is the difference between 1/3000 sec and 1/4000 sec exposure time.
Actually, there is no longer an optical viewfinder. It's completely electronic. [] , near the bottom of the page.
"What do I have to plant inside their heads?"
It's a fair reason to be disappointed in pricing that can't match the entry level iPad. Sure, the iPad doesn't have any cameras or as much RAM or whatever, but it will and the price will still start at 500 bucks. That means that Apple will still pretty much own the tablet market and hinder proliferation of Android…
It's obviously magic. You even said he's a magician. Magician: n Dude who uses magic to do tricks, usually magic tricks.
I knew a guy in high school that was blind from birth. Kind of a dork but he was cool enough. We were in home ec, making a crumble pie (or something). He was kneading dough and I was sprinkling crumbs onto a greased pan. I said that there was very little difference between the dough he was kneading and a one of…