But if you are low income, your are not supposed to be financially savvy. duh.
I read this story off of a reddit link, and a lot of people also came to her defense in keeping the car. The fact is, a known vehicle with a known maintenance history is a relatively smart decision over selling and getting a possible clunker. Controlling risk is just as important as controlling finances.
"Please, god, tell me there is some situation that an artist will not depict Disney Princesses in."
My first thoughts when seeing the lede was, "Well that's two years longer than he would have gotten for raping her when she was alive."
Not all of us have to copy-and-paste info from other media sites and call it news to make a living.
Agree - yeah, she's no Jezebel blogger-level of inspiring. *eyeroll*
If you don't think Kim K "works" (as in generates income that causes her to be away from her baby) then you are the idiot. Not all of us have to copy-and-paste info from other media sites and call it news to make a living.
Preach. I kind of have to admit, as someone who has been raped, I find it a little odd and maybe even offensive to refer to necrophilia as rape. Is it bad? Yup. But to me there seems something intrinsically different about forcing sex on someone who is alive and (often literally) kicking and having sex with a…
I got the joke :)
He chooses them, it's obvious. This is why he should not be working at Jezebel. There is no need for male writers here, and he needs to find a new job.
Trying not to feed trolls here so I'm starting my own thread.
Nobody deserves to be assaulted - no one is saying that white men deserve assault or that it's not a big deal when a white man is assaulted.
Why the hell do people think you can only be fired for something illegal? The government has to respect your freedom of (bigoted) speech, not your employer.
And his listeners are all like:
I heard they sent him a card that said, "Enjoy your Independence Day."
So. She "got in the frame" of a picture he was taking of... The sidewalk? The support beams? The side of that coffee wagon? What? Is there something behind her? She's pretty slim. Is it Olive Oyl standing behind her?
What?! Irrelevant?
Well, allegedly the Nazis aren't the Nazis, according to yesterday's article. The Nazis are nationalists who wear hipster clothing and listen to white reggae.
Short answer is "No." He might be a loving dad, he might be an involved dad, he might be a fun dad, but he CAN'T be a "good" dad. You have to be a good person to be a good dad. Cocky sexist assholes aren't good people.