Bright Heathen

Pamela not being interested in him is not her being mean.

I think he was trying to distract her with humor, vis a via making it all about him instead.

Well, the problem is that the police never actually do their job. They have no problem wasting all their time ticketing speeders and beating up minorities, but when actual problems appear, they don't want to do shit. Seriously, if the kid's parents are saying there is something wrong, there is something wrong. Even if

It's like the most vile corner of the internet come to life with this killer. I now view every MRA I come across as a potential rapist/murderer.

You don't need our help to look awful. Even if he's not one of you, you've got some truly damaged individuals you should have reported to the Feds a long time ago.

I admit total ignorance to how disgusting this MRA/PUA/Anti-PUA/InCel community is, until now. I went and read that WizardChan shit, and it is seriously like stepping into a third dimension of sick fuckery. How has it not occurred to any of those rat bastards that the reason women won't get with them is that we can

Gawd, I am so reluctant to respond to you, because I don't know if you're genuinely distressed and wrong, or just MRA trolling.

So killing 'alphas' and setting up rape camp is a generous balance to this poster? Ugh. Where's my brain bleach?

Stop. Mentioning. Asperger. Asperger does not make you unable to see the difference between good and evil. It is NOT an excuse. (Not personal to you, more of a general thing)

Yeah, thanks, you're spouting classic MRA bullshit. "All sex is rape."

Oh what's the matter? Afraid to use your usual slang here, wizzie? You call everyone "normalfags", not "normies".

Get professional help.


Ooh...I think we've got one here.

They're living the wizardly dream. No mere muggles may dare lay hands upon their pure, unsullied magic wands.

Love that the wizards or whatever call out Jezebel in that thread. Because we are obviously the issue here.

I think it's already really nice when a man's reaction is «my partner is pregnant, what do I do?». Massages are a good idea. Lots of massages.

Strange Days was about 15 years ahead of its time. It's failure in the box office as an early piece of Cyberpunk Cinema versus similar works like Matrix, Thirteenth Floor, Johnny Mnemonic etc etc, always pissed me off.

OMG, these people are fucking insane. A VAGINA IS NOT A CLOWN CAR - give it a rest already you stupid bitch, and your collaborator, too.

lolwtf, are all their sponsorships going to get taken away if she stops shitting out kids or what?