Bright Heathen

Those do not look good...

Not sure I could love this comrade more.

I am now two years into my first (and most likely only child) and here is my advice: TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. Books & people will give you all the rules, regulations, schedules, and timelines to follow but what I’ve found is that my child and me & my partners instincts are the best leads to follow. Every time I have

Great read. It makes me want to try one of the servers just so i can play on a real talent tree again.

this show didn’t really fall apart, it just ended way too soon. but it was excellent.

awesome show, it’s amc so it should be on netflix soon i would think


Actually, YOU are the ignorant fuck AND the piece of shit. Do your own heavy lifting and look shit up. Stop depending on others to educate you. How bout that?

Look it up asshole. I'm sure Google is just a click away for you like it is the rest of us.


^^^This is my boyfriend. We have been together for 7 years. He is the sweetest, most considerate, chill guy I’ve ever met. When I got pregnant and he tried to quit using the patch I was shocked at the effect quitting was having on him, to the point that I just wanted him to go back to smoking! So when the idea of

Is this not an "aura" then...?

I live in Tulare County and travel extensively throughout Kings, Kern, Inyo, and Fresno counties. THE bread basket of the bread basket. Guess what I see as far as my eyes can see when driving through our ag lands; Almonds. Tomatoes. Cotton. Pistachios.

That girl is annoying af

She looks like she is looking at a fool.

I KNOW that our kids can inspire rage on scales never imagined. There is something about their inability to meet expectations and just "misbehave" that doubly reflects back on our (us parents) inability to meet expectations and act right. I try to remind myself of that every time I feel my hands ITCHING to toss my

They are six inches long and they fucking fly!

I come here for the comments.

No worries at all :) I've made the same mistake myself, more than once. :)

I completely agree. I think you may have responded to the wrong person. :)