Bright Heathen

Nicki Minaj!

Who the ever loving fuck is this guy? Is he even from California? He needs to shut the fuck up and keep his "thought exercises" to himself.

Isn't alcohol a drug? So it's pretty much drugs vs drugs?

It REALLY should have been Shirley and Nina. They both kicked ass ALL season and that little passive aggressive bully Nick was on the bottom SO much. I pretty much despised him by the time it got to the finale. I'm sincerely over the show. I'll stick to Iron Chef and The Taste.

FUUUUUUUUUCK Top Chef. ALL of them. After Nina was robbed I will no longer be watching anything that franchise puts out. FUUUUUUUUUUCK Top Chef.

Why do I just feel more pressure now...?

I love Bette but I really did suffer some uncomfortable second hand embarrassment from her vapid Wind Beneath My Wings performance at the Oscars and then the obligatory standing O was the cherry on top.

you can't even compare True Detective w/ any of those shows... and they're all good. TD is just on another level. we don't see it very often.

the writer has been telling people for weeks to calm down on all their crazy theories, that it's more straight forward and there's no big trickery at the end.

My only request is that it be done in your own bathroom. :)

Pretty big. Who knows, she's one of those people who will start stretching & doing yoga poses in the middle of almost anything. I love her to pieces but I find this particular behavior of hers to be super annoying.

One of my best friends will strip down naked and do yoga in my bathroom. It pisses me off.

No, those people have not helped you, they have enabled you to continue to be lazy. You can shove your thank yous where the sun don't shine.

It's the most helpful response you are going to get.

EDUCATE YOURSELF. It is no one else's responsibility to take the time & energy it takes to educate you when you have the answers LITERALLY at your finger tips.

Utilize your Google.

A weak sauce troll.

But Sin is my favorite prison guard...

Couldn't have happened to a better person...

love love LOVE Amy Adams dress.