Bright Heathen

First they shall do NO fucking harm! Jesus Christ almighty, come collect your assholes!

Dude, don't just say no, like you know. Go read. Go DO some research, then YOU prove no. And I didn't say other animals act like mini humans.

His status as an elite white male granted him the time & opportunity to pursue his interest. That's how.

I don't honestly think he should be banished from humanity, I was just likely mocking the other guys poetics. what i strongly suggested to him is that he self-reflect.

If it didn't kill John McCain it won't kill her.

Hey, I kept it super civil. And yes, one woman doesn't mean the world of science has been busted open. Come on now, who got all the credit for what Rosalind did? She certainly won no prizes. Please don't assume shit about me. Of coarse I don't advocate for creationism being taught in school, Jesus. My "assumptions"

There is a difference between having defined genders and practicing sexism, though the two do bleed into one another. It's how those cultures treat the genders that I'm interested in.

I wouldnt presume to know that.

Seriously! What means more, what is really love? When you HAVE to be with someone or when you CHOOSE to be with someone. I understand everything you have said.

Am I the only one who wouldn't be caught dead smoking an e-cigarette? I get second hand embarrassment for Stephen Dorff whenever I see that commercial.

Well, I'm not a pure Darwinist when it comes to evolution or its processes. So far most fields in science (in fact all), especially evolution, is the construct of elite white males who carry elite white perspectives, so all that we learn concerning evolution, in college at least, is really only studied from that

European nations are not American. So maybe we should go to a European nation. Go ahead. Pick one.

You most certainly have a voice. You've been voicing your voice all over the place. Oh god, I know I don't know you but you are totally striking me as the kind of person who whines a lot and needs to be reassured and coddled by the people in their life. You sound clingy & exhausting.

You need to let go man. Just let go.

If you feel comfortable making that statement then that's cool. I don't judge things I know little to nothing about.

What? What are you even talking about now?

"By the way, one question that cannot easily be answered is whether brain "wiring" (terrible term) was any different in the past compared to currently."

Doubt it all you want. It's my reality and your doubt has ZERO effect on it.

It's clique. Not click.

False equivalency homie. If you got everything you need why are you on here bitching?