Bright Heathen

I am chubby, burnt over 60% of my body and have VERY noticeable 3rd degree burn scars ALL over my body including my face. My left hand fingers have all been amputated at the first knuckle. I have a big wide nose, I'm opinionated, loud, and generally just not the "type" of girl most anyone typically goes for. But I've

People are assholes to each other whether I condone it or not. Once again, no one is OWED love. You can't force people to love you. You can't even coerce people to love you. They either do or they don't. And I take great issue in your asinine statement that one cannot grow as a single person. Are you kidding me? Dude,

Oh no!!! You are THAT guy! :( Dude, you are picking the wrong people. Duh!

What? How am I responsible for the fact that 30-40 women were clearly uninterested in this person and that fact right there is a glaring red flag. No one is OWED love. If you find it then great, but if that shit eludes you in the form of being rejected by a ton of women then I say it is high time for some self

Well, I now think YOU are a dildo.

I have left the states many times, but being a tourist does not qualify me to speak on behalf of any other country or culture for that matter. And to be perfectly blunt, it is not America that leans towards the progressive. It is progressive Americans that leans towards the progressive. I'm not sure if you have

Right? I think this all happened on the internet.

I, personally, don't know any women who could be labeled as such. Fuck off.

I was thinking more along the lines of teaching girls that girls are emotional and it's ok for them to emote whereas we teach boys that boys are stoic and should refrain from emoting. I'm sure that shit has a HUGE impact.

My boyfriend added that to my vocabulary. :)

A man who has been rejected by 30-40 women sounds like a man who should be left lost, floating out at sea.

"And no I don't hate women in general, just some of them like the gold-diggers, false rape accusers, blackmailers and feminazis who think men must be eradicated."

I think people in this thread have come up with far more creative experiments that could be done, including yourself.

I have always thought there are inherent differences, what I'm curious about is how much are those differences exacerbated by our gendered conditioning...

I take it you don't take nurture as part of the equation?

How I was proposed to:

I think it is both. It is both nature & nurture. That's my "assumption" anyway. Like I said, I'm of the mind that there probably are natural differences in the way that "male" and "female" brains function but I wouldn't trust the results of this study to prove my thinking.

I'm down with that idea. In fact, I bet those results would be pretty interesting.

You've gone too far! Must judge, must be a dick to someone!!!

I'm just looking for a more equitable culture out there! Granted we might have to go deep into some forest somewhere. Jesus, did you just pull the whole America is less sexist than Afghanistan bullshit? I guess you never saw the picture of the blacked out girl getting dragged and raped from one party to the next only