Bright Heathen

That's where heaven is.

go bother someone for a GOOD reason.

Hey, that's what i'm doing right now. While I bake a chocolate cake at 8:45am this fine morning... :)

You win ALL the pizzas!

Dude, I just recently dreamt that I got sent to prison and while I was away serving my five year sentence one of my best friend's moved into my house to help my boyfriend take care of our new baby. Unfortunately the two assholes fell in love and upon my release wouldn't let me see my daughter because I was an unfit

A row is a fight.


And you are a fucking idiot. So all is right with the world.

It's a quote. The story just reminded me of this quote. I'm not preaching. You done being a smug asshole today? I get the feeling you are not. Go bother someone else.

It won't give me that option. I'm sure everyone will live. Think of it as large fonts for the sight impaired.

Sorry :( I copy and pasted...

George Carlin

Yep, my vagina has shut down for the day.

Oh good! I queef Tropical Breezes.

None of those bitches has very much class.

And what exactly are vaginas suppose to smell like? Someone tell me that.


Sooooo, they are going to just let these assholes continue to rape girls?????????!!!!!!!!!

All my dad ever had to do to me and my older brother was give us the Look. Boy o boy, if looks could kill. He did two tours in Vietnam and suffered from severe PTSD so his look was the "I am about to snap into a raging animal" look. He never did snap, not at us anyways, because all he ever had to do was give us that

I have a 3 month old and she is a super chill, super happy baby and I attribute this to the nearly stress free pregnancy I had and the minimal amount of stress that me and my partner have. Him & I rarely fight, we are FAR from being wealthy, we live right above the poverty line, both of us work, and both of us take