Bright Heathen

Talk about pressure. At 7 months pregnant the LAST thing I feel like doing is navigating a dating scene. Fuck that noise. Lucky for me I get to just be my plain ol' rugged self without trying to "get to know" someone.

I always wanted to know if Canadians call Canadian bacon, Canadian bacon, or is it just bacon to them... And if so, what do they call what Americans consider bacon?

Yeah, I must admit, I prefer my white saviors to to come ala Bill & Melinda Gates and not in the form of a bunch of crusty period lickers.

Kanye West has made many MANY stupid moves throughout his career. Impregnating that dumb B just takes all the cakes.

Jesus christ. Breast feed for as long as you like, just don't end up like Catelyn Stark's sister, Lysa Arryn & her odd ass child.

I don't like being around others when I'm stoned. That's my time to just crawl into my mind and unleash all my curiosities and be the little weirdo I am without having to attend to anyone else.

I have been smoking marijuana for almost 20 years! Good lord. :) And throughout those years I've gone through periods of abstaining, periods of occasional use, and periods of hardcore stonerdom. In the last 2 years I have been smoking A LOT to help me manage stress & anxiety and to be perfectly honest I feel like it

That's me. I like A pint of beer to sip on every once in awhile, but generally speaking, marijuana is my one true love.

My "cultural bias" has nothing to do with feeling that eating insects is beneath me, and far more to do with not being conditioned to them from a very early age. I do not know how many generations back on either side of my family I would have to go to find ancestors that partook of insects. So pardon me if I don't

You didn't give, you loaned, and you did so in a very unclear sort of way. If someone sends me a check in a birthday card I consider that a gift.

What do people hate about The Mindy Project? I love that show. I watch very few sitcoms and at first refused to watch TMP because I wasn't a big fan of Kaling on The Office. But i'm hooked now!

Says a white person.

Yeah, my friends have Rubys, Scarlets, & Audreys.

When in actuality no one has said anything about them. My comment was in reference , mostly to the butt hurt comments below this post. Even perceived poking fun at white people gets white people panties in a bunch. That's usually how it is, when the biggest haters of all start getting hated on.

*sigh* I haven't heard of ANYONE naming their baby girl Eleanor. I hate being reminded of the fact that I am just as conditioned to thinking I'm unique when in actuality I'm right in the thick of the norm. Bollocks! At least her middle name will be far more rare.

Because it is the perpetuation of our species and animals are hardwired to survive. Even when they are shitheaded humans.

You don't understand because it's something you don't want & are not interested in doing. Simple as that.

White people sure do get sensitive when you poke fun at white people.

You're telling me.

Her pregnant body is super cute! She often doesn't dress herself in the most flattering way, but that was the case before she got pregnant. Either way, she can dress how she wants whether it is appealing to everyone else or not. She has that right and I have the right to sometimes cringe.