Bright Heathen

You know,,, I was getting ready to agree with the post but then I read your comment & it put things back into perspective. You are right.

Yeah, I can't even get mad at this shit anymore. My emotions immediately rest in the "pity" category. Pity for the women who find themselves dealing with these dude bros and pity for the psychologically stunted dude bros who really believe this shit.

Yeah, I don't think that Tracy is quite taking into account the fragile, insecure ladies that do exist on this planet who are constantly seeking reassurances on their physical appearance and yet WILL freak the fuck out when told the truth. I'd find ways in which to avoid that kind of mess at all costs too.

It's simple, really. Just don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to.

Seeing the responses from young people on twitter concerning these cases is seriously distressing. I don't want to raise my children around ANY of these kids. I'm starting to understand why some people home school their children. It is becoming a greater possibility as an option for me. Between all the gun & sexual

This is what I'm afraid of. My mother suffered from severe depression throughout her pregnancy with me & for several years afterwards. She was never diagnosed because mental health care was just not something that was ever spoken about in her family... I have an appointment tomorrow & I will bring this up. Thank you.

Try an adolescent man.

I'm 5 months into my pregnancy and though I feel super chill about actually giving birth, I'm terrified of the possibility of PPD. I just don't want it... . . . Not that any mother does, I'm sure.


LOL, thank you. You get all the cookies.

Why does everyone think Adam's so horrible? The guy likes what he likes. So what? I fucking love Adam.

I am really beginning to despise the nasty tone of pro vaccination advocates. There is absolutely nothing wrong with questioning the validity of what pharmaceutical companies are putting out. Simple as that.

I like Marnie the least. In fact I barely like any of the girls in Girls, though I do think Hannah would be the funnest to spend some shallow good times with. It's the guys of the show that I like.

Um, she may be your friend but you most certainly are not her friend.

All white boys? No thanks.

I don't know, you tell us.

I don't do it in private residences. Or if I know that it is a really serious conversation. If i'm out in public, at a restaurant, in the grocery store,,, or something like that.

And in real life.

I LOVE eavesdropping! I do it every chance I get. I'm also one of those people who will get in on other people's conversations. I've never had a bad reaction from anyone and I end up having great conversations with perfect strangers.