
Let this be a reminder to people, check your tire pressures. This is what just 1.5 PSI difference between them will do!

IF you’re being detained for an offense (and also maybe depending on the rules of your state).

Didn’t call it retro, did call those plastic bikes transformers. Sean for mayor.

Talk to the race team. It wouldn’t be like that if it wasn’t better.

Looks like he underestimated human stupidity.

Cool story. Paragraphs are cool too...

Man, if your comment is to shit on another man’s pride and joy, you need to step up your comment game.

It’ll be hilarious if it’s just a copy paste routine that infests all their diesel software and they didn’t even realize was there:

Disagree, I find it quite stunning especially the back end and engine cover with those dual nostrils. The only bit I don’t like as much is the side scoop shape. But everything else is spot on and the interior a gorgeous.

Silly Akio, just because you guys can’t design sexy wagons doesn’t mean wagons aren’t sexy.

Yeah, why would a gadget and technology blog be excited about technology that drive a 4000lb gadget around town by itself? Boggles the mind...

No, the 918 is much prettier, because roof-exhausts.

Did I read 26 psi of boost in a 7.0 liter engine?

- Me, when I saw that big wheel

Opens list. Sees E30 M3 as #1. Closes List.

I’m going to check my barn again just one more time....that is my dream car, ya know.

“Walk up home or office? You’ll get about three stories before passing out.”

She did. They arrested her for arson because she lit it up with those hot moves.

Neutral: Know anyone that bought Ferrari stock yet?

As much as I dislike the hype and hypocrisy surrounding coast-coast runs, this makes so much sense for Tesla. Any old ICE-powered car can do it, but to demonstrate that large distances can be covered by an EV in short times does so much to argue for their practical viability. Associating Alex Roy with this feat lends