I really liked that book, and I too read a physical copy. The entire time I was reading it I was thinking I should have gone with the ebook just so I wouldn’t have to lug it around.
I think setting 25 pages a day is a good start. That feels like an achievable number and it is highly likely that I’ll go over that amount.
I just settled down to finally read 11/22/63 and though I am enjoying it, the fact that I bought a physical copy is causing me some reluctance when I think about picking it up. It…
A lot of people read Jalopnik. More than 8 million globally this month alone, in fact. They range from everyday car…
Woot, I won the office pool!
Bookmarked to read later.
this response is almost too jalop
When I was in third grade, I drew a Countach in my notebook and the teacher got mad at me so I blamed in on my friend. Then in 5th grade I brought my Hot Wheels collection to Sunday School and the pastor took my rocket car called Hellraiser and wouldn’t give it back. But the worst...the worst of all...was the time I…
As for me, I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. Photo credit: Porsche AG
I’ve penned thousands of posts for this site over the years, but this is the hardest one to write. This is my last…
1. It’s BlackFlag, not Jalopnik.
Before we go into this sad tale of dumbshittery and insipid laziness, I want to make one thing clear: the owner of…
does this mean they can finally work on their Formula One car now?