
Not my point at all. My point is that all human being have the free will to break laws, and we have determined appropriate consequences for those. Breaking a law doesn’t necessarily make you bad or dumb, it means you disagreed with the law and decided the consequences and risk of having them were worth it. Such is

The Rider’s Actions Already Have Consequences

I’d go find a gif that shows someone missing the point, but I’ve got better things to do.

People who buy Teslas have smartphones.

We do have other race series in the US that turn both ways. Tracks like Lime Rock, Mid-Ohio, Watkins Glen, Laguna Seca, and VIR wouldn’t exist if we didn’t.

Sup, baby?

Same thing can happen with a fuel injected bike.

Who whould guess that an Audi R8 looks better with a Renault badge?


Stop it so hard the rust all falls off.

Just like most drivers. Really though. There are idiots in every demographic.

Don’t mind him, he’s just bitter he can’t text and drive as much as he’d like with all these cyclists around.

i assume those cyclists pay state and local taxes, along with property taxes for their homes. also, all of the cyclists i know own. vehicles. this fictional non-car owning character you’ve made up is rare.

“Two armed criminals robbed the expensive car late Wednesday night when filming a promotional video, as the camera people at a gas station in Amsterdam-East the Go Pro cameras were hanged. The pair threatened the cameraman and the owner of the vehicle, which at that time was in the car, and then went there with great