
The article originally called it a "mile-high" project, but then the author edited it after my comment to refer to as " now reduced to a kilometer". And a km is more like .621 miles, but who's counting?

Mile high? Don't you mean a kilometer high?

Excellently said. It's akin to someone telling you that you can't go from NY to LA unless you take this sequence of roads rather than that series of roads. Or fly. We all find our own paths.

A "Find My Phone" app is critical. Best feature ever for the Sony I've been wearing.

Also the Smartwatch Whoopee cushion app is a must have. You should always be able to leave your Smartphone in the couch cushions and make it fart using your watch. Endless fun!

Also Transit apps, like OneBusAway in Seattle, that will

While we are on the subject of posting pictures of things that we will never get:

Oh good, I thought there was something wrong with me. I'm still pissed at this dude at the gym who got up in my personal space & grabbed a piece of equipment (without asking or even acknowledging my presence) before I was done with it.

I'm not sure her face will reach the ground.

Dunno if it's because I didn't see a close up pic in a long time, but it's kinda funny how a Time Capsule looks like an extruded Apple TV or something. :P

But in the UK they are made by Celtic druids.

Mother of looks like they may have hired a typographer.

Still works for me. Maybe yours wasn't tasteless enough.