
Listed items on the craigslist site for my region. I get a text from a guy seriously 74 miles away. He asks about the item and all the usual things, then he says "Can you meet me by my house, i dont have a car." After i respectfully decline i get another txt pretty much telling me i am the worlds largest A-hole and

Also RAD....

My Ex girlfriend, and the Devils. ;)

This pic looks like New Jersey completely covered with water, exactly as i wished it to be.

Mitnick could do it!

Why must we have Christian branded items that have really nothing to do with religion? Does this tactic actually work for Christian patrons?

Do you have any interaction with tsutomu shimomura these days?

WTF is everyone so upset about? Doesn't anyone have fun with anything these days? "You want photos of Zuck, you are now automatically TMZ, you are tacky, you are not Engadget.." Why doesn't everyone head over to the stoner channel and chill the fuck out..

Admittedly, i scoffed at the sight of the Win 7 phone. Then, my company went from Blackberry to Win 7 phones and i had no choice but to use one for business. I was way off. I can only speak to the Samsung Focus S, but as a Phone this thing is really reliable. The tiles did get some time to get used to, but now i

That is a shitty looking M. Falcon.

If the 1110 doesn't work, you could always hit him with it...


LOLing so hard right now...

Samurai delete should be an option on Dariks Boot and Nuke CD

Cyborgs should not be allowed to compete in track events.

I guess there was not enough pee to make Iron Man's mouth area?

I only read this so i could see all of the inevitable Half Life comments.

What do you mean he isn't really MacGyver?? Does that mean Vicki from Small Wonder isn't really a robot?!?!?!?!

Tickets available on Very Funny.