These will soon be appearing in the $5 DVD bin at your local Wal-Mart. Sadly, id reach for the loosely re-wrapped copy of Suburban Commando before the PlayBook.
These will soon be appearing in the $5 DVD bin at your local Wal-Mart. Sadly, id reach for the loosely re-wrapped copy of Suburban Commando before the PlayBook.
businesses only :( -1 to Stalker ability
So i can see into all my neighbors houses?!?! +1 to Stalker ability
Agreed. Being rude is just plain rude. In other news, being mean is just plain mean.
Fight like men, not underwater.
This is absurd! Next thing you know, CA will be giving free college money away to people who are here illegally!
Now if it would only stroke my hair lovingly while it broke the news to me..
"The Watchman" is a great book about Kevin Poulsen. If you enjoy Mitinick's books, you may really like this one as well.
I am sure they will agree to use spell-check if you start proof reading your posts.
Great! Now, if we could just get the right people to pay attention to faxes and reports regarding suspicious dudes learning how to fly jet liners but not land them.
How many time traveling Deloreans does that power?
The hole in the Ozone above Amsterdam must be insane.
Makes perfect sense to me....
But still leaves the toilet seat up...typical Google male!
Watch out, they have been known to sell droids with bad motivators.
Always funny to read a horrible, racist email and see the gratuitous DO YOU YAHOO? add at the end.