Brick McIronHard

Pretty sure I do want to rob the world of that. Wait, let me check....

Maybe I could just do a Snacktaku special on hot peppers...

Different People. Solid Snake is a "Clone" of Big Boss.

Slightly off topic:

"The PS4's first big exclusive is out next week"

Dear Kotaku,

The series uses on-screen cues to indicate your health loss and allows for regeneration through absorption of energy sources around you.

As with most game previews, health in this one is either turned off or made incredibly easy. Game demoers often aren't very good.

These game previews are almost always played on Easy. In fact, they're often played on a preview-exclusive Super Easy variant. There are even some which don't allow dying at all.

I expect the actual game balancing to be similar to the previous inFamous games.

...The one console it was made for?

Good game AI = fun AI

So THATS why the grunts in Titanfall are such pitifully dumb opponents. Sure, they are great at pointing out enemies and being general bullet fodder. Then you find some hostile grunts. I've literally run into them on more than one occasion and they either (a.) don't even acknowledge my existence or (b.) turn around

To be fair, some people have the skill and some don't. Smart A.I. isn't for everyone as some just want to play and kill and sit on their couch enjoying a fun game after work.

Others, like me, want the challenge! For us this is perfect..except gamers with that mindset are slowly reaching the minority.

I could of sworn based upon your previous experience, eariler today, your response would of been to put as much bigotry and loathing into a post as possible.

But...the power of the cloud...

lets face it. its almost certainly a Titanfall issue.

So now we live in a world where it's OK to be an asshole because if your douchebaggery is a problem for someone, they're just being overly sensitive?

Pretty sure I mention in the post that the poster was trying to be clever. While I do not come right out and say IT WAS A JOKE in all caps, it is implied. Still, continue on with COME ON IT WAS A JOKE comments, because jokes need to be pointed out whenever possible.

I think that'd be harder to write if he was drunk!