Yeah it's called 2 weeks notice.
Yeah it's called 2 weeks notice.
Almost every game is linear. Even GTA. There's a beginning, and there's an end, and only one way to get there, ultimately. But most people wouldn't call GTA linear. It's because there are a lot of tangents you can go on before progressing with the main story. Places to search, items to find, etc.
Yep, you can just walk in and go right up to the register, and they will ask you without a single word on your part if you want to preorder it. No one else will have a copy on release day after all, so get that bad motherfucker secured! 5.00 down? pffffttt.. pay the whole 59.99 up front to get that complete Gamestop…
It's good to see that Rob Ford has bounced back from all this.
Would it really be such a terrible idea to do a full cg Batman movie? I get that it'd be expensive—probably on par with something like Tintin—but you'd have such freedom to do everything completely badass like this. If I had millions to throw away this would be my dream project.
Oh look, its this comment again...
You guys realize it's 3/3, right?
A young girl kissing a friend in a harsh post apocalyptic world is hardly indicative of true sexual preference. Most people don't figure out who they are until their twenties.
Yeah, if the writer is a massive hack that's completely unable to think, empathize, or understand anything outside of their own experiences. Give me a fucking break.
I wouldn't mind being more than a caricature or joke in AAA games. MC or not, it'd be nice to not be a comedic one-off. Hell, I'd take more characters like Kanji, where it's vague but still well-known.
I see your Jeff Goldblum Hahahrawrrahaha and raise you a Sam Neil oooOOOOAAAAAHHHHH!!!!
I just want to point out that I got 6 launch games (on launch day) for a total of $110 due to you pointing out good deals, B2G1's and such. That's not including the free PS+ offerings. Not your fault this dude isn't on top of this shit, like you are.
Let's start with an important point: Neither console has any games. Sure whatever Resogun is fun, I platinum'd it, Killzone: Shadow Fall is better than other Killzones which says nothing, Dead Rising 3 is something to do if you handle more of that. These games are throwaway. Even the first Resistance was arguably…
I probably should't even get into this but screw it, what exactly are you expecting?
PS3 controllers used to be $55-60 too.
I'm in if Will Arnett does the voice.
That was..... not what I expected.