Brick McIronHard

Fuck this guy.

Now playing

Seth Fischer = highly likely not Japanese, but that wasn't the point, so:

So another guy that isn't part of gaming culture thinks he's got the miracle solution to all problems and his solution is to devalue their most important trump card that makes people buy their console by, not only making games for smartphones, but also to make them free to play, or should I say, pay to win.

It isn't right, that's why he's eating fresh fish.


Uncharted 2

Resistance: Fall of Man. Should win hands down.

Metal Gear Solid 4. It was the first game I bought with my PS3 after my third paycheck from my new job. I had $6 left in my checking account...

The Last of Us

I wish Contact was the worst movie I had seen.

This sale is about the destination.

No one wants to see me eat vegetables!

I fear for you, Fahey. I'm afraid all that junk food and fast food you keep eating is going to mutate you....into Pizza the Hut: