Brick McIronHard

I'm curious about this:

I'm a gamer, and I've never played GTA.

I'm not sure.

Silent Hill 2 is how it is done, folks.

This still haunts me.

Left 4 dead's safehouses were like youtube comment sections.

BREAKING: Xbox One is a toaster

It's a really old element of cuisine that roots back to rural black culture in the USA.

What makes you think it's free on the Xbox One?

Emphasis was on Drive after HDD, because HDD is an acronym for Hard Disk Drive. So she just said it had a 500 gigabyte hard disk drive drive. Shit's just about as annoying as $2 dollars.

Did you know that it also supports High-Definition HDTV?

"500 Gigabyte HDD Drive"

Yet you dont hear Battlefield fans doing much of this.
Im sure there are some. But we dont hear it as bad as these shining examples.

Marcus Beer (some guy from Game Trailers) called Phil Fish (some game designer) a dick.
Phil Fish called him a dick back.
The two then got into an argument about who was the bigger asshole
Shortly after this argument Phil Fish quit gaming and Marcus Beer fervently masturbated about how big a man he was on Twitter.


Only a few are brave enough to hunt the great Sharknado.

Wasn't that Slenderman? Or did I miss the Silence..