Did Jane mention that Anna Wintour made her and the rest of the captives play Russian Roulette after dinner?
Did Jane mention that Anna Wintour made her and the rest of the captives play Russian Roulette after dinner?
Celebrities solemnly demand a plan to use gun violence to further pad their paychecks and help their career visibility, while protected by armed bodyguards who are armed with the same firearms they rail against.
Steve Martin as the new Pierce Hawthorne? Why not?
Fuck Disney.
It says 56, but I count 60
They should just go the "Arrested Development" route and air the remaining two seasons and the movie on Netflix.
I will be an Agnostic catching up on sleep after tonight's three-way with Jack Daniels and Mary Jane (thank God for having an empty house composed of 20-30 somethings who left for the holidays) and playing Black Ops II.
More trolling from the Fisher Price School of Gender Studies.
Peep Show
NP given the low mileage and overall condition.
Whereas this chick is actually funny. The necklace bit on Conan won me over.
Leave it to America to bitch about diamonds on account of some fucking movie when their oil, gold, rare earth metals and cheap manufactured shit come from some of the most horrid places on earth where people die in as many if not greater numbers.
I agree with your second paragraph. Outcomes, standards and tying it all together (via the cloud) will help reduce costs, streamline processes and keep people alive.
Always good, if you ask me.
Better Off Dead is a classic (my fav is still the paperboy and the Japanese Howard Cosell brothers) and so is 40 Year Old Virgin (easily Apatow's best besides Anchorman and Superbad), esp the Leslie Mann part (whom never fails to disappoint me, like ever).
Hauling more than groceries..........
Any word of the next Motherboy event?
Damn, how does that happen?
No, I am complaining because I dont have enough vodka to drink to figure out how to reform healthcare and I am too lazy to go to the liquor store.