
Mighty kind of you but not really much of an Ehrenreich person (though I do give her props for NORML and her work against right-to-work, one of the more stupid employment ideas I have heard in quite some time) nor really much of a feminist. Its about just taking what works here and there and kinda throw it all

Supply and Demand. If you have the supply of money, the demand for healthcare will be there for you. Economics 101.

Galileo and Copernicus taught me that if your idea/opinion is that good that people sooooo want to hear it, shut the fuck up or they will burn you at the stake because they dont like hearing it.

Les Miz the movie has no business being made. That is all.

Ben wears hockey pads. Bruce Wayne does not.

-Utilizing forgivable govt. grants for doctors/nurses to pay off crushing student loans

Pouring money down one black hole to be replaced with another black hole, great thinking.

Rumor has it the Great Leader scored 76 million in Pac-Man and shut down the machine. It has not turned back on since.

Spending money on yourself is sometimes cathartic, especially if you enjoy beating the shit out of people in your spare time.

Two days ago I saw a rig out there that could haul that tanker. You want to get out of here alive? You talk to me.

Expensive yes. But over time costs will come down as more people use it and the process is streamlined. Economy of scale.

That's the problem, there is no easy answer to such a debate. A device by itself is not destructive, but it is the will of the user of the device who will cause the destruction.

Jezebel consistently has problems dealing with reality, but that is neither here nor there. me where I did?

What I am saying is that with all this grand posturing, dont hold your breath. Too much money and too many campaign contributions will see to the demise of any anti-gun legislation.

Great book, I have read it before.

"I would prefer to have invented a machine that people could use and that would help farmers with their work - for example a lawnmower." - Mikhail Kalashnikov

Dont forget Mao nearly starting WWIII some 5 years after WWII ended along with Stalin when they both urged N. Korea to invade S. Korea.

What is incomprehensible? Your understanding of how electricity is generated?

Hmm........two shapeless masses forming into one big shapeless mass causing havoc and destruction, making you sick to your stomach?