Until the food actually tastes good and hands bigger than a Vietnamese orphan can actual take things in and out of the oven, Fuck the Easy Bake Oven.
Until the food actually tastes good and hands bigger than a Vietnamese orphan can actual take things in and out of the oven, Fuck the Easy Bake Oven.
Trying to cash in arent we?
Hmm.........5th or 6th would be a bit generous.
Homoerotic activity at a frat house?
Haha.........what if they brought French whine and French cries?
California accent sounds vapid, flaky and self-absorbed and my ADD just does not compute with such nonsense.
Go watch it again. Michael Douglas is not a hero in this movie (would not even say anti-hero)
Were going with nepotism/lack of diversity on this one. The 1/2 punch.
Its either drugs/alcohol or being painfully overrated.
"then I googled Cosmo-the-God and found out he is, in fact, male (from a description given in a Wired article). My bubble burst and now I have a teeny, tiny sad."
The other team is going to shit themselves playing against Hulk
Ugh.......Roger Goodell and Schiano, the perfect storm of douchebaggery in the NFL.
Dumb enough that while your country was engaging in a mass masturbatory event for your future king and queen last year we were busy killing the man who was behind 9/11 and 7/7.
Business loans=non existent.
Texas Public School system much?
Love how the police seem to think they need something resembling a MRAP.
The Manhattan Project, ARPANet (aka the Internet) and Siri (30+ yr old NSA software used to decipher Soviet phone conversations off a phone tap in the Barents Sea) were seen as failures/wastes.
Used to live next to Williamsburg.
"First you get the money, then you get the power. After you get the power, then you get the women".