Until the food actually tastes good and hands bigger than a Vietnamese orphan can actual take things in and out of the oven, Fuck the Easy Bake Oven.
Until the food actually tastes good and hands bigger than a Vietnamese orphan can actual take things in and out of the oven, Fuck the Easy Bake Oven.
Trying to cash in arent we?
Hmm.........5th or 6th would be a bit generous.
Haha.........what if they brought French whine and French cries?
California accent sounds vapid, flaky and self-absorbed and my ADD just does not compute with such nonsense.
Go watch it again. Michael Douglas is not a hero in this movie (would not even say anti-hero)
Were going with nepotism/lack of diversity on this one. The 1/2 punch.
Its either drugs/alcohol or being painfully overrated.
Ugh.......Roger Goodell and Schiano, the perfect storm of douchebaggery in the NFL.
Dumb enough that while your country was engaging in a mass masturbatory event for your future king and queen last year we were busy killing the man who was behind 9/11 and 7/7.
Business loans=non existent.
Texas Public School system much?
Love how the police seem to think they need something resembling a MRAP.
The Manhattan Project, ARPANet (aka the Internet) and Siri (30+ yr old NSA software used to decipher Soviet phone conversations off a phone tap in the Barents Sea) were seen as failures/wastes.
Used to live next to Williamsburg.
"First you get the money, then you get the power. After you get the power, then you get the women".