Feeding yourself and getting to the location of such a slaughter of sentient beings became a whole lot easier and efficient with the advent of fertilzer/diesel fuel/airplanes. Same with guns.
Feeding yourself and getting to the location of such a slaughter of sentient beings became a whole lot easier and efficient with the advent of fertilzer/diesel fuel/airplanes. Same with guns.
Main problem with Kickstarter and crowd-funding in general: lack of accountability and regulatory compliance.
Women of Geek in various sci-fi movie garb from the last 35 years?
What a pal.
Rage=directed at crappy, unbearable to watch show.
Now I know why I feel much better having left the world of finance.
Translation: Woman marries powerful man for money, news at 11.
Did not say it was a direct connection. But it surely helps a hell of a lot more than say, any random Jezzie trying to get a role.
"China won't be significantly moving to play the "big boy on the block" any time soon, at least not without US interference".
As opposed to being a drummer for a shitty Sonic Youth cover band?
I didnt have to think about it. Religious fanatic/crazy person seem to go hand in hand.
One of the most inspiring and intellectually engaging responses that I have heard on the Interwebz regarding the subject.
Guess what? War is terrifying.
The deadliest school massacre in U.S history was done with the aid of dynamite, FYI. Not to try to one-up or make light of a horrible event but all I am saying is that if someone is inclined to get a firearm, even in the UK , it is easy for them to find it.
Bin Laden wont be honored unless you go scuba-diving.
More to the point, countries with US troops stationed on their soil (Germany, Japan, S. Korea) will see less troops stationed in their country due to coming fiscal cutbacks on defense spending.
Surely the assholes who are all "BAN ALL GUNZ NOW!!" would not object to a Sandy Hook against the Westboro Church.