
Somehow I dont think banning guns or magazines is the solution to this issue.

The supercharger whine = me watching Alison Brie and Sofia Vergara going at it.

I think I am going to leave this here......

Had the fuel pump go in my '05 A4 2.0.

One thing that the West has failed to realize; no matter how much bitching, moaning, protesting and blogging on Jez goes on, there are parts of the world that do not give two shits about womens' rights and will go to VERY great lengths to suppress it.

This is being left here for trolls of both genders for the commentary and subsequent shitshow that this article leaves.

One of my fondest memories of travelling through Europe when I was young was watching the dubbed version of the A-Team, along with the batshit-crazy Communist 80s-era action movies from E. Europe.

#POTD. Just sayin.

So what do you call a guy that does something good for you randomly through the course of a day?

Yoko can eat a bag of dicks and can choke on them.

Ladies have their lame ass sex/relationship tips in Cosmo, Men have PUA.

As someone who was bullied, I learned generally not to be a dick to people, and that if you treat people with respect you will get what you want.

You're welcome :)

Dont forget this brave woman who can truly make claim to be the voice of a generation and paid a heavy cost at 15 years old for doing so.


If we are on the Twilight Zone kick of how to dispose of Dunham, lets talk about sending her on a flight somewhere.........

Kris likes Kim the best since she works the proverbial "corner" like a boss and hence, makes the most money for her. If Khlobacca or the other one married to the Patrick Bateman wannabe (or the other 2 future train wrecks) made as much money or garnished as much celebrity attention things would be different.

Cobra Commander is not impressed.

Sucks to be her but maybe that is God's/Darwin's way of telling you that maybe you should not shoplift...and to take your kids with you when you do.