Were you drinking heavily and/or stoned when you came up with such a ridiculous notion?
Call me when Carrie and Saul fake their deaths after Carrie's dad gets out of jail or Carrie signs up the CIA and offers up ownership of the agency as first prize in a dance competition for a local radio station.
One of the many ridiculously reasons I do not miss living in Houston and returned to the Northeast.
I would gladly sacrifice the souls of every Gawkers, Jezzie, Jaloper and Kotaku-er and their babies to Satan for SMIH with Rashida.
Suicided, not suicide on Her Majesty's orders.
I believe you are looking to post that on Jezebel.
Friday- HS football
PS- RS6>R8, esp the tuned Stasis Engineering RS6.
Ha Ha Ha
Can you make up the dead bodies along the way from either a male despot or his first lady?
Truth on? Sure.........keep reaching for the stars there homeslice.
LMAO..........I wish I could believe you but the laughter I had after reading that, just cant, sorry.
But she is one of the more corrupt politicians.
Hardly anti-feminist. Compare Imelda Marcos (who tortured and killed opposition forces in the Phillipines and looted an estimated $5 billion with Ferdinand) who got off relatively scot-free to Elena Ceacescu (helped her husband Nicolae do the same in Communist Romania), who received justice in the form of acute lead…